package amqpjobs // pipeline rabbitmq info const ( exchangeKey string = "exchange" exchangeType string = "exchange_type" queue string = "queue" routingKey string = "routing_key" prefetch string = "prefetch" exclusive string = "exclusive" priority string = "priority" multipleAsk string = "multiple_ask" requeueOnFail string = "requeue_on_fail" dlx string = "x-dead-letter-exchange" dlxRoutingKey string = "x-dead-letter-routing-key" dlxTTL string = "x-message-ttl" dlxExpires string = "x-expires" contentType string = "application/octet-stream" ) type GlobalCfg struct { Addr string `mapstructure:"addr"` } // Config is used to parse pipeline configuration type Config struct { Prefetch int `mapstructure:"prefetch"` Queue string `mapstructure:"queue"` Priority int64 `mapstructure:"priority"` Exchange string `mapstructure:"exchange"` ExchangeType string `mapstructure:"exchange_type"` RoutingKey string `mapstructure:"routing_key"` Exclusive bool `mapstructure:"exclusive"` MultipleAck bool `mapstructure:"multiple_ask"` RequeueOnFail bool `mapstructure:"requeue_on_fail"` } func (c *Config) InitDefault() { // all options should be in sync with the pipeline defaults in the FromPipeline method if c.ExchangeType == "" { c.ExchangeType = "direct" } if c.Exchange == "" { c.Exchange = "amqp.default" } if c.Queue == "" { c.Queue = "default" } if c.Prefetch == 0 { c.Prefetch = 10 } if c.Priority == 0 { c.Priority = 10 } } func (c *GlobalCfg) InitDefault() { if c.Addr == "" { c.Addr = "amqp://guest:guest@" } }