# defines environment variables for all underlying php processes env: key: value # rpc bus allows php application and external clients to talk to rr services. rpc: # enable rpc server enable: true # rpc connection DSN. Supported TCP and Unix sockets. listen: tcp:// # http service configuration. http: # set to false to disable http server. enable: true # http host to listen. address: ssl: # custom https port (default 443) port: 443 # force redirect to https connection redirect: true # ssl cert cert: server.crt # ssl private key key: server.key # max POST request size, including file uploads in MB. maxRequest: 200 # file upload configuration. uploads: # list of file extensions which are forbidden for uploading. forbid: [".php", ".exe", ".bat"] # http worker pool configuration. workers: # php worker command. command: "php psr-worker.php pipes" # connection method (pipes, tcp://:9000, unix://socket.unix). default "pipes" relay: "pipes" # worker pool configuration. pool: # number of workers to be serving. numWorkers: 4 # maximum jobs per worker, 0 - unlimited. maxJobs: 0 # for how long worker is allowed to be bootstrapped. allocateTimeout: 60 # amount of time given to worker to gracefully destruct itself. destroyTimeout: 60 # static file serving. remove this section to disable static file serving. static: # root directory for static file (http would not serve .php and .htaccess files). dir: "public" # list of extensions for forbid for serving. forbid: [".php", ".htaccess"]