#!/usr/bin/make # Makefile readme (ru): # Makefile readme (en): SHELL = /bin/sh .DEFAULT_GOAL := build # This will output the help for each task. thanks to https://marmelab.com/blog/2016/02/29/auto-documented-makefile.html help: ## Show this help @printf "\033[33m%s:\033[0m\n" 'Available commands' @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?## / {printf " \033[32m%-14s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) build: ## Build RR binary file for local os/arch CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -trimpath -ldflags "-s" -o ./rr ./cmd/main.go clean: ## Make some clean rm ./rr install: build ## Build and install RR locally cp rr /usr/local/bin/rr uninstall: ## Uninstall locally installed RR rm -f /usr/local/bin/rr test: ## Run application tests #go clean -testcache go test -v -race -cover -tags=debug -covermode=atomic ./utils go test -v -race -cover -tags=debug -covermode=atomic ./pkg/pipe go test -v -race -cover -tags=debug -covermode=atomic ./pkg/pool go test -v -race -cover -tags=debug -covermode=atomic ./pkg/socket go test -v -race -cover -tags=debug -covermode=atomic ./pkg/worker go test -v -race -cover -tags=debug -covermode=atomic ./tests/plugins/http go test -v -race -cover -tags=debug -covermode=atomic ./tests/plugins/informer go test -v -race -cover -tags=debug -covermode=atomic ./tests/plugins/reload go test -v -race -cover -tags=debug -covermode=atomic ./tests/plugins/server go test -v -race -cover -tags=debug -covermode=atomic ./tests/plugins/checker go test -v -race -cover -tags=debug -covermode=atomic ./tests/plugins/config go test -v -race -cover -tags=debug -covermode=atomic ./tests/plugins/gzip go test -v -race -cover -tags=debug -covermode=atomic ./tests/plugins/headers go test -v -race -cover -tags=debug -covermode=atomic ./tests/plugins/logger go test -v -race -cover -tags=debug -covermode=atomic ./tests/plugins/metrics go test -v -race -cover -tags=debug -covermode=atomic ./tests/plugins/redis go test -v -race -cover -tags=debug -covermode=atomic ./tests/plugins/resetter go test -v -race -cover -tags=debug -covermode=atomic ./tests/plugins/rpc go test -v -race -cover -tags=debug -covermode=atomic ./tests/plugins/static lint: ## Run application linters golangci-lint run