diff options
authorWolfy-J <[email protected]>2018-07-28 16:25:11 +0300
committerGitHub <[email protected]>2018-07-28 16:25:11 +0300
commitcc4b4158890addb09094990b9d7bc06c0557a21e (patch)
parent575020be597e2f1deda5929396425618356e5a0b (diff)
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 35adc13e..afef302d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -35,95 +35,6 @@ Features:
- very fast (~250k rpc calls per second on Ryzen 1700X using 16 threads)
- works on Windows
-Using RoadRunner:
-In order to use RoadRunner you only have to place a `.rr.yaml` config file in the root of your PHP project:
-# defines environment variables for all underlying php processes
- key: value
-# rpc bus allows php application and external clients to talk to rr services.
- # enable rpc server
- enable: true
- # rpc connection DSN. Supported TCP and Unix sockets.
- listen: tcp://
-# http service configuration.
- # set to false to disable http server.
- enable: true
- # http host to listen.
- address:
- # max POST request size, including file uploads in MB.
- maxRequest: 200
- # file upload configuration.
- uploads:
- # list of file extensions which are forbidden for uploading.
- forbid: [".php", ".exe", ".bat"]
- # http worker pool configuration.
- workers:
- # php worker command.
- command: "php psr-worker.php"
- # worker pool configuration.
- pool:
- # number of workers to be serving.
- numWorkers: 4
- # maximum jobs per worker, 0 - unlimited.
- maxJobs: 0
- # for how long pool should attempt to allocate free worker (request timeout).
- allocateTimeout: 60
- # amount of time given to worker to gracefully destruct itself.
- destroyTimeout: 30
-# static file serving.
- # serve http static files
- enable: true
- # root directory for static file (http would not serve .php and .htaccess files).
- dir: "public"
- # list of extensions to forbid for serving.
- forbid: [".php", ".htaccess"]
-> You can use json or any config type supported by `spf13/viper`.
-Where `psr-worker.php`:
-ini_set('display_errors', 'stderr');
-require 'vendor/autoload.php';
-$relay = new Spiral\Goridge\StreamRelay(STDIN, STDOUT);
-$psr7 = new Spiral\RoadRunner\PSR7Client(new Spiral\RoadRunner\Worker($relay));
-while ($req = $psr7->acceptRequest()) {
- try {
- $resp = new \Zend\Diactoros\Response();
- $resp->getBody()->write("hello world");
- $psr7->respond($resp);
- } catch (\Throwable $e) {
- $psr7->getWorker()->error((string)$e);
- }
Run `composer require spiral/roadrunner` to load php library.
> Check how to init relay [here](./php-src/tests/client.php).