extends ../start.pug append vars - title = "Pi-KVM VNC Info" - main_js = "vnc/main" - index_link = true block start p(class="text") | This Pi-KVM device has running #[b kvmd-vnc] daemon and provides VNC access to the server. p(class="text") | #[b WARNING!] We strongly don't recommend you to use VNC in untrusted networks. | The current implementation does not use encryption, and your passwords are transmitted | over the network in a plain text. p(class="text") | Your VNC client must support Tight JPEG compression, password authentication and allow | connection without encryption. #[a(href="https://tigervnc.org") TigerVNC] is a good choice. | On Linux, this client will most likely be available for installation from the repository. | It can also be called vncviewer. div(id="vnc-text" class="code" style="max-height:200px")