/***************************************************************************** # # # KVMD - The main PiKVM daemon. # # # # Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Maxim Devaev # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # *****************************************************************************/ "use strict"; import {tools, $, $$, $$$} from "./tools.js"; export var wm; export function initWindowManager() { wm = new __WindowManager(); } function __WindowManager() { var self = this; /************************************************************************/ var __top_z_index = 0; var __windows = []; var __menu_buttons = []; var __init__ = function() { for (let el_button of $$$("button")) { // XXX: Workaround for iOS Safari: // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3885018/active-pseudo-class-doesnt-work-in-mobile-safari el_button.ontouchstart = function() {}; } for (let el_button of $$("menu-button")) { el_button.parentElement.querySelector(".menu").setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); tools.el.setOnDown(el_button, () => __toggleMenu(el_button)); __menu_buttons.push(el_button); } if (!window.ResizeObserver) { tools.error("ResizeObserver not supported"); } for (let el_window of $$("window")) { el_window.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); __makeWindowMovable(el_window); __windows.push(el_window); if (el_window.classList.contains("window-resizable") && window.ResizeObserver) { new ResizeObserver(function() { // При переполнении рабочей области сократить размер окна по высоте. // По ширине оно настраивается само в CSS. let view = self.getViewGeometry(); let rect = el_window.getBoundingClientRect(); if ((rect.bottom - rect.top) > (view.bottom - view.top)) { let ratio = (rect.bottom - rect.top) / (view.bottom - view.top); el_window.style.height = view.bottom - view.top + "px"; el_window.style.width = Math.round((rect.right - rect.left) / ratio) + "px"; } if (el_window.hasAttribute("data-centered")) { __centerWindow(el_window); } }).observe(el_window); } let el_close_button = el_window.querySelector(".window-header .window-button-close"); if (el_close_button) { el_close_button.title = "Close window"; tools.el.setOnClick(el_close_button, () => self.closeWindow(el_window)); } let el_maximize_button = el_window.querySelector(".window-header .window-button-maximize"); if (el_maximize_button) { el_maximize_button.title = "Maximize window"; tools.el.setOnClick(el_maximize_button, function() { __maximizeWindow(el_window); __activateLastWindow(el_window); }); } let el_orig_button = el_window.querySelector(".window-header .window-button-original"); if (el_orig_button) { el_orig_button.title = "Reduce window to its original size and center it"; tools.el.setOnClick(el_orig_button, function() { el_window.style.width = ""; el_window.style.height = ""; __centerWindow(el_window); __activateLastWindow(el_window); }); } let el_enter_full_tab_button = el_window.querySelector(".window-header .window-button-enter-full-tab"); let el_exit_full_tab_button = el_window.querySelector(".window-button-exit-full-tab"); if (el_enter_full_tab_button && el_exit_full_tab_button) { el_enter_full_tab_button.title = "Stretch to the entire tab"; let toggle_full_tab = function(enabled) { el_window.classList.toggle("window-full-tab", enabled); __activateLastWindow(el_window); let el_navbar = $("navbar"); if (el_navbar) { tools.hidden.setVisible(el_navbar, !enabled); } }; tools.el.setOnClick(el_enter_full_tab_button, () => toggle_full_tab(true)); tools.el.setOnClick(el_exit_full_tab_button, () => toggle_full_tab(false)); } let el_full_screen_button = el_window.querySelector(".window-header .window-button-full-screen"); if (el_full_screen_button && __getFullScreenFunction(el_window)) { el_full_screen_button.title = "Go to full-screen mode"; tools.el.setOnClick(el_full_screen_button, function() { __fullScreenWindow(el_window); el_window.focus(el_window); // Почему-то теряется фокус __activateLastWindow(el_window); }); } } for (let el_button of $$$("button[data-show-window]")) { tools.el.setOnClick(el_button, () => self.showWindow($(el_button.getAttribute("data-show-window")))); } window.onmouseup = __globalMouseButtonHandler; window.ontouchend = __globalMouseButtonHandler; window.addEventListener("focusin", (event) => __focusInOut(event, true)); window.addEventListener("focusout", (event) => __focusInOut(event, false)); window.addEventListener("resize", __organizeWindowsOnBrowserResize); window.addEventListener("orientationchange", __organizeWindowsOnBrowserResize); document.onfullscreenchange = __onFullScreenChange; }; /************************************************************************/ self.info = (...args) => __modalDialog("Info", args.join(" "), true, false, null); self.error = (...args) => __modalDialog("Error", args.join(" "), true, false, null); self.confirm = (...args) => __modalDialog("Question", args.join(" "), true, true, null); var __modalDialog = function(header, text, ok, cancel, parent) { let el_active_menu = (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.closest(".menu")); let el_modal = document.createElement("div"); el_modal.className = "modal"; el_modal.style.visibility = "visible"; let el_window = document.createElement("div"); el_window.className = "modal-window"; el_window.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); el_modal.appendChild(el_window); let el_header = document.createElement("div"); el_header.className = "modal-header"; el_header.innerHTML = header; el_window.appendChild(el_header); let el_content = document.createElement("div"); el_content.className = "modal-content"; el_content.innerHTML = text; el_window.appendChild(el_content); let promise = null; if (ok || cancel) { promise = new Promise(function(resolve) { let el_buttons = document.createElement("div"); el_buttons.className = "modal-buttons"; el_window.appendChild(el_buttons); function close(retval) { __closeWindow(el_window); el_modal.outerHTML = ""; let index = __windows.indexOf(el_modal); if (index !== -1) { __windows.splice(index, 1); } if (el_active_menu && el_active_menu.style.visibility === "visible") { el_active_menu.focus(); } else { __activateLastWindow(el_modal); } resolve(retval); } if (cancel) { var el_cancel_button = document.createElement("button"); el_cancel_button.innerHTML = "Cancel"; tools.el.setOnClick(el_cancel_button, () => close(false)); el_buttons.appendChild(el_cancel_button); } if (ok) { var el_ok_button = document.createElement("button"); el_ok_button.innerHTML = "OK"; tools.el.setOnClick(el_ok_button, () => close(true)); el_buttons.appendChild(el_ok_button); } if (ok && cancel) { el_ok_button.className = "row50"; el_cancel_button.className = "row50"; } el_window.onkeyup = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (ok && event.code === "Enter") { el_ok_button.click(); } else if (cancel && event.code === "Escape") { el_cancel_button.click(); } }; }); } __windows.push(el_modal); (parent || document.fullscreenElement || document.body).appendChild(el_modal); __activateWindow(el_modal); return promise; }; self.showWindow = function(el_window, activate=true, center=false) { let showed = false; if (!self.isWindowVisible(el_window)) { center = true; showed = true; } __organizeWindow(el_window, center); el_window.style.visibility = "visible"; if (activate) { __activateWindow(el_window); } if (el_window.show_hook) { if (showed) { el_window.show_hook(); } } }; self.isWindowVisible = function(el_window) { return (window.getComputedStyle(el_window, null).visibility !== "hidden"); }; self.getViewGeometry = function() { let el_navbar = $("navbar"); return { top: (el_navbar ? el_navbar.clientHeight : 0), // Navbar height bottom: Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0), left: 0, right: Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0), }; }; self.closeWindow = function(el_window) { __closeWindow(el_window); __activateLastWindow(el_window); }; var __closeWindow = function(el_window) { el_window.focus(); el_window.blur(); el_window.style.visibility = "hidden"; if (el_window.close_hook) { el_window.close_hook(); } }; var __toggleMenu = function(el_a) { let all_hidden = true; for (let el_button of __menu_buttons) { let el_menu = el_button.parentElement.querySelector(".menu"); if (el_button === el_a && window.getComputedStyle(el_menu, null).visibility === "hidden") { let rect = el_menu.getBoundingClientRect(); let offset = self.getViewGeometry().right - (rect.left + el_menu.clientWidth + 2); // + 2 is ugly hack if (offset < 0) { el_menu.style.right = "0px"; } else { el_menu.style.removeProperty("right"); } el_button.classList.add("menu-button-pressed"); el_menu.style.visibility = "visible"; el_menu.focus(); all_hidden &= false; } else { el_button.classList.remove("menu-button-pressed"); el_menu.style.visibility = "hidden"; el_menu.style.removeProperty("right"); } } if (all_hidden) { document.onkeyup = null; __activateLastWindow(); } else { document.onkeyup = function(event) { if (event.code === "Escape") { event.preventDefault(); __closeAllMenues(); __activateLastWindow(); } }; } }; var __closeAllMenues = function() { document.onkeyup = null; for (let el_button of __menu_buttons) { let el_menu = el_button.parentElement.querySelector(".menu"); el_button.classList.remove("menu-button-pressed"); el_menu.style.visibility = "hidden"; el_menu.style.removeProperty("right"); } }; var __focusInOut = function(event, focus_in) { let el_parent; if ((el_parent = event.target.closest(".modal-window")) !== null) { el_parent.classList.toggle("window-active", focus_in); } else if ((el_parent = event.target.closest(".window")) !== null) { el_parent.classList.toggle("window-active", focus_in); } else if ((el_parent = event.target.closest(".menu")) !== null) { el_parent.classList.toggle("menu-active", focus_in); } tools.debug(`UI: Focus ${focus_in ? "IN" : "OUT"}:`, el_parent); }; var __globalMouseButtonHandler = function(event) { if ( event.target.closest && !event.target.closest(".menu-button") && !event.target.closest(".modal") ) { for (let el_item = event.target; el_item && el_item !== document; el_item = el_item.parentNode) { if (el_item.hasAttribute("data-force-hide-menu")) { break; } else if (el_item.hasAttribute("data-dont-hide-menu")) { return; } } __closeAllMenues(); __activateLastWindow(); } }; var __organizeWindowsOnBrowserResize = function() { for (let el_window of $$("window")) { if (el_window.style.visibility === "visible") { if (tools.browser.is_mobile && el_window.classList.contains("window-resizable")) { // FIXME: При смене ориентации на мобильном браузере надо сбрасывать // настройки окна стрима, поэтому тут стоит вот этот костыль el_window.style.width = ""; el_window.style.height = ""; } __organizeWindow(el_window); } } }; var __organizeWindow = function(el_window, center=false) { let view = self.getViewGeometry(); let rect = el_window.getBoundingClientRect(); if (el_window.classList.contains("window-resizable")) { // При переполнении рабочей области сократить размер окна if ((rect.bottom - rect.top) > (view.bottom - view.top)) { let ratio = (rect.bottom - rect.top) / (view.bottom - view.top); el_window.style.height = view.bottom - view.top + "px"; el_window.style.width = Math.round((rect.right - rect.left) / ratio) + "px"; } if ((rect.right - rect.left) > (view.right - view.left)) { el_window.style.width = view.right - view.left + "px"; } rect = el_window.getBoundingClientRect(); } if (el_window.hasAttribute("data-centered") || center) { __centerWindow(el_window); } else { if (rect.top <= view.top) { el_window.style.top = view.top + "px"; } else if (rect.bottom > view.bottom) { el_window.style.top = view.bottom - rect.height + "px"; } if (rect.left <= view.left) { el_window.style.left = view.left + "px"; } else if (rect.right > view.right) { el_window.style.left = view.right - rect.width + "px"; } } }; var __centerWindow = function(el_window) { let view = self.getViewGeometry(); let rect = el_window.getBoundingClientRect(); el_window.style.top = Math.max(view.top, Math.round((view.bottom - rect.height) / 2)) + "px"; el_window.style.left = Math.round((view.right - rect.width) / 2) + "px"; el_window.setAttribute("data-centered", ""); }; var __activateLastWindow = function(el_except_window=null) { let el_last_window = null; if (document.activeElement) { el_last_window = (document.activeElement.closest(".modal-window") || document.activeElement.closest(".window")); if (el_last_window && window.getComputedStyle(el_last_window, null).visibility === "hidden") { el_last_window = null; } } if (!el_last_window || el_last_window === el_except_window) { let max_z_index = 0; for (let el_window of __windows) { let z_index = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(el_window, null).zIndex) || 0; let visibility = window.getComputedStyle(el_window, null).visibility; if (max_z_index < z_index && visibility !== "hidden" && el_window !== el_except_window) { el_last_window = el_window; max_z_index = z_index; } } } if (el_last_window) { tools.debug("UI: Activating last window:", el_last_window); __activateWindow(el_last_window); } else { tools.debug("UI: No last window to activation"); } }; var __activateWindow = function(el_window) { if (window.getComputedStyle(el_window, null).visibility !== "hidden") { let el_to_focus; let el_window_contains_focus; if (el_window.className === "modal") { el_to_focus = el_window.querySelector(".modal-window"); el_window_contains_focus = (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.closest(".modal-window")); } else { // .window el_to_focus = el_window; el_window_contains_focus = (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.closest(".window")); } if (el_window.className !== "modal" && parseInt(el_window.style.zIndex) !== __top_z_index) { __top_z_index += 1; el_window.style.zIndex = __top_z_index; tools.debug("UI: Activated window:", el_window); } if (el_window !== el_window_contains_focus) { el_to_focus.focus(); tools.debug("UI: Focused window:", el_window); } } }; var __makeWindowMovable = function(el_window) { let el_header = el_window.querySelector(".window-header"); let el_grab = el_window.querySelector(".window-header .window-grab"); if (el_header === null || el_grab === null) { // Для псевдоокна OCR return; } let prev_pos = {x: 0, y: 0}; function startMoving(event) { // При перетаскивании resizable-окна за правый кран экрана оно ужимается. // Этот костыль фиксит это. el_window.style.width = el_window.offsetWidth + "px"; __closeAllMenues(); __activateWindow(el_window); event = (event || window.event); event.preventDefault(); if (!event.touches || event.touches.length === 1) { el_header.classList.add("window-header-grabbed"); prev_pos = getEventPosition(event); document.onmousemove = doMoving; document.onmouseup = stopMoving; document.ontouchmove = doMoving; document.ontouchend = stopMoving; } } function doMoving(event) { el_window.removeAttribute("data-centered"); event = (event || window.event); event.preventDefault(); let event_pos = getEventPosition(event); let x = prev_pos.x - event_pos.x; let y = prev_pos.y - event_pos.y; el_window.style.top = (el_window.offsetTop - y) + "px"; el_window.style.left = (el_window.offsetLeft - x) + "px"; prev_pos = event_pos; } function stopMoving() { el_header.classList.remove("window-header-grabbed"); document.onmousemove = null; document.onmouseup = null; document.ontouchmove = null; document.ontouchend = null; } function getEventPosition(event) { if (event.touches) { return {x: event.touches[0].clientX, y: event.touches[0].clientY}; } else { return {x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY}; } } el_window.setAttribute("data-centered", ""); el_window.onmousedown = el_window.ontouchstart = () => __activateWindow(el_window); el_grab.onmousedown = startMoving; el_grab.ontouchstart = startMoving; }; var __onFullScreenChange = function(event) { let el_window = event.target; if (!document.fullscreenElement) { let rect = el_window.before_full_screen; if (rect) { el_window.style.width = rect.width + "px"; el_window.style.height = rect.height + "px"; el_window.style.top = rect.top + "px"; el_window.style.left = rect.left + "px"; } } }; var __fullScreenWindow = function(el_window) { el_window.before_full_screen = el_window.getBoundingClientRect(); __getFullScreenFunction(el_window).call(el_window); if (navigator.keyboard && navigator.keyboard.lock) { navigator.keyboard.lock(); } else { let msg = ( "Shortcuts like Alt+Tab, Ctrl+W, Ctrl+N might not be captured.
" + "For best keyboard handling use any browser with
keyboard lock support from this list.

" + "In Chrome use HTTPS and enable system-keyboard-lock
" + "by putting at URL chrome://flags/#system-keyboard-lock" ); __modalDialog("Keyboard lock is unsupported", msg, true, false, el_window); } }; var __maximizeWindow = function(el_window) { let el_navbar = $("navbar"); let vertical_offset = (el_navbar ? el_navbar.offsetHeight : 0); el_window.style.left = "0px"; el_window.style.top = vertical_offset + "px"; el_window.style.width = window.innerWidth + "px"; el_window.style.height = window.innerHeight - vertical_offset + "px"; }; var __getFullScreenFunction = function(el_window) { if (el_window.requestFullscreen) { return el_window.requestFullscreen; } else if (el_window.webkitRequestFullscreen) { return el_window.webkitRequestFullscreen; } else if (el_window.mozRequestFullscreen) { return el_window.mozRequestFullscreen; } return null; }; __init__(); }