/***************************************************************************** # # # KVMD - The main PiKVM daemon. # # # # Copyright (C) 2018-2023 Maxim Devaev # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # *****************************************************************************/ "use strict"; import {tools, $} from "../tools.js"; export function MjpegStreamer(__setActive, __setInactive, __setInfo) { var self = this; /************************************************************************/ var __key = tools.makeId(); var __id = ""; var __fps = -1; var __state = null; var __timer = null; var __timer_retries = 0; /************************************************************************/ self.getName = () => "MJPEG"; self.getMode = () => "mjpeg"; self.getResolution = function() { let el = $("stream-image"); return { "real_width": el.naturalWidth, "real_height": el.naturalHeight, "view_width": el.offsetWidth, "view_height": el.offsetHeight, }; }; self.ensureStream = function(state) { if (state) { __state = state; __findId(); if (__id.length > 0 && __id in __state.stream.clients_stat) { __setStreamActive(); __stopChecking(); } else { __ensureChecking(); } } else { __stopChecking(); __setStreamInactive(); } }; self.stopStream = function() { self.ensureStream(null); let blank = "/share/png/blank-stream.png"; if (!String.prototype.endsWith.call($("stream-image").src, blank)) { $("stream-image").src = blank; } }; var __setStreamActive = function() { let old_fps = __fps; __fps = __state.stream.clients_stat[__id].fps; if (old_fps < 0) { __logInfo("Active"); __setActive(); } __setInfo(true, __state.source.online, `${__fps} fps dynamic`); }; var __setStreamInactive = function() { let old_fps = __fps; __key = tools.makeId(); __id = ""; __fps = -1; __state = null; if (old_fps >= 0) { __logInfo("Inactive"); __setInactive(); __setInfo(false, false, ""); } }; var __ensureChecking = function() { if (!__timer) { __timer_retries = 10; __timer = setInterval(__checkStream, 100); } }; var __stopChecking = function() { if (__timer) { clearInterval(__timer); } __timer = null; __timer_retries = 0; }; var __findId = function() { let stream_client = tools.cookies.get("stream_client"); if (__id.length === 0 && stream_client && stream_client.startsWith(__key + "/")) { __logInfo("Found acceptable stream_client cookie:", stream_client); __id = stream_client.slice(stream_client.indexOf("/") + 1); } }; var __checkStream = function() { __findId(); if (__id.legnth > 0 && __id in __state.stream.clients_stat) { __setStreamActive(); __stopChecking(); } else if (__id.length > 0 && __timer_retries >= 0) { __timer_retries -= 1; } else { __setStreamInactive(); __stopChecking(); let path = `/streamer/stream?key=${__key}`; if (tools.browser.is_safari || tools.browser.is_ios) { // uStreamer fix for WebKit __logInfo("Using dual_final_frames=1 to fix WebKit bugs"); path += "&dual_final_frames=1"; } else if (tools.browser.is_chrome || tools.browser.is_blink) { // uStreamer fix for Blink https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=527446 __logInfo("Using advance_headers=1 to fix Blink bugs"); path += "&advance_headers=1"; } __logInfo("Refreshing ..."); $("stream-image").src = path; } }; var __logInfo = (...args) => tools.info("Stream [MJPEG]:", ...args); }