/***************************************************************************** # # # KVMD - The main PiKVM daemon. # # # # Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Maxim Devaev # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # *****************************************************************************/ "use strict"; import {tools, $} from "../tools.js"; var _Janus = null; export function JanusStreamer(__setActive, __setInactive, __setInfo, __orient, __allow_audio) { var self = this; var __stop = false; var __ensuring = false; var __janus = null; var __handle = null; var __retry_ensure_timeout = null; var __retry_emsg_timeout = null; var __info_interval = null; var __state = null; var __frames = 0; self.getOrientation = () => __orient; self.isAudioAllowed = () => __allow_audio; self.getName = () => (__allow_audio ? "H.264 + Audio" : "H.264"); self.getMode = () => "janus"; self.getResolution = function() { let el = $("stream-video"); return { // Разрешение видео или элемента "real_width": (el.videoWidth || el.offsetWidth), "real_height": (el.videoHeight || el.offsetHeight), "view_width": el.offsetWidth, "view_height": el.offsetHeight, }; }; self.ensureStream = function(state) { __state = state; __stop = false; __ensureJanus(false); }; self.stopStream = function() { __stop = true; __destroyJanus(); }; var __ensureJanus = function(internal) { if (__janus === null && !__stop && (!__ensuring || internal)) { __setInactive(); __setInfo(false, false, ""); __ensuring = true; __logInfo("Starting Janus ..."); __janus = new _Janus({ "server": `${tools.is_https ? "wss" : "ws"}://${location.host}/janus/ws`, "ipv6": true, "destroyOnUnload": false, "success": __attachJanus, "error": function(error) { __logError(error); __setInfo(false, false, error); __finishJanus(); }, }); } }; var __finishJanus = function() { if (__stop) { if (__retry_ensure_timeout !== null) { clearTimeout(__retry_ensure_timeout); __retry_ensure_timeout = null; } __ensuring = false; } else { if (__retry_ensure_timeout === null) { __retry_ensure_timeout = setTimeout(function() { __retry_ensure_timeout = null; __ensureJanus(true); }, 5000); } } __stopRetryEmsgInterval(); __stopInfoInterval(); if (__handle) { __logInfo("uStreamer detaching ...:", __handle.getPlugin(), __handle.getId()); __handle.detach(); __handle = null; } __janus = null; __setInactive(); if (__stop) { __setInfo(false, false, ""); } }; var __destroyJanus = function() { if (__handle && __handle.webrtcStuff && __handle.webrtcStuff.remoteStream) { for (let track of __handle.webrtcStuff.remoteStream.getTracks()) { track.stop(); __handle.webrtcStuff.remoteStream.removeTrack(track); } __handle.webrtcStuff.remoteStream = null; } $("stream-video").srcObject = null; if (__janus !== null) { __janus.destroy(); } __finishJanus(); }; var __attachJanus = function() { if (__janus === null) { return; } __janus.attach({ "plugin": "janus.plugin.ustreamer", "opaqueId": "oid-" + _Janus.randomString(12), "success": function(handle) { __handle = handle; __logInfo("uStreamer attached:", handle.getPlugin(), handle.getId()); __sendWatch(); }, "error": function(error) { __logError("Can't attach uStreamer: ", error); __setInfo(false, false, error); __destroyJanus(); }, "connectionState": function(state) { __logInfo("Peer connection state changed to", state); if (state === "failed") { __destroyJanus(); } }, "iceState": function(state) { __logInfo("ICE state changed to", state); // Если раскомментировать, то он начнет дрючить соединение, // так как каллбек вызывает сильно после завершения работы /*if (state === "disconnected") { __destroyJanus(); }*/ }, "webrtcState": function(up) { __logInfo("Janus says our WebRTC PeerConnection is", (up ? "up" : "down"), "now"); if (up) { __sendKeyRequired(); } }, "onmessage": function(msg, jsep) { __stopRetryEmsgInterval(); if (msg.result) { __logInfo("Got uStreamer result message:", msg.result.status); // starting, started, stopped if (msg.result.status === "started") { __setActive(); __setInfo(false, false, ""); } else if (msg.result.status === "stopped") { __setInactive(); __setInfo(false, false, ""); } else if (msg.result.status === "features") { tools.feature.setEnabled($("stream-audio"), msg.result.features.audio); } } else if (msg.error_code || msg.error) { __logError("Got uStreamer error message:", msg.error_code, "-", msg.error); __setInfo(false, false, msg.error); if (__retry_emsg_timeout === null) { __retry_emsg_timeout = setTimeout(function() { if (!__stop) { __sendStop(); __sendWatch(); } __retry_emsg_timeout = null; }, 2000); } return; } else { __logInfo("Got uStreamer other message:", msg); } if (jsep) { __logInfo("Handling SDP:", jsep); __handle.createAnswer({ "jsep": jsep, "media": {"audioSend": false, "videoSend": false, "data": false}, "success": function(jsep) { __logInfo("Got SDP:", jsep); __sendStart(jsep); }, "error": function(error) { __logInfo("Error on SDP handling:", error); __setInfo(false, false, error); //__destroyJanus(); }, }); } }, "onremotestream": function(stream) { if (stream === null) { // https://github.com/pikvm/pikvm/issues/1084 // Этого вообще не должно происходить, но почему-то янусу в unmute // может прилететь null-эвент. Костыляем, наблюдаем. __logError("Got invalid onremotestream(null). Restarting Janus..."); __destroyJanus(); return; } let tracks = stream.getTracks(); __logInfo("Got a remote stream changes:", stream, tracks); let has_video = false; for (let track of tracks) { if (track.kind == "video") { has_video = true; break; } } if (!has_video && __isOnline()) { // Chrome sends `muted` notifiation for tracks in `disconnected` ICE state // and Janus.js just removes muted track from list of available tracks. // But track still exists actually so it's safe to just ignore that case. return; } _Janus.attachMediaStream($("stream-video"), stream); __sendKeyRequired(); __startInfoInterval(); // FIXME: Задержка уменьшается, но начинаются заикания на кейфреймах. // - https://github.com/Glimesh/janus-ftl-plugin/issues/101 /*if (__handle && __handle.webrtcStuff && __handle.webrtcStuff.pc) { for (let receiver of __handle.webrtcStuff.pc.getReceivers()) { if (receiver.track && receiver.track.kind === "video" && receiver.playoutDelayHint !== undefined) { receiver.playoutDelayHint = 0; } } }*/ }, "oncleanup": function() { __logInfo("Got a cleanup notification"); __stopInfoInterval(); }, }); }; var __startInfoInterval = function() { __stopInfoInterval(); __setActive(); __updateInfo(); __info_interval = setInterval(__updateInfo, 1000); }; var __stopInfoInterval = function() { if (__info_interval !== null) { clearInterval(__info_interval); } __info_interval = null; }; var __stopRetryEmsgInterval = function() { if (__retry_emsg_timeout !== null) { clearTimeout(__retry_emsg_timeout); __retry_emsg_timeout = null; } }; var __updateInfo = function() { if (__handle !== null) { let info = ""; if (__handle !== null) { // https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Video_Metrics let frames = null; let el = $("stream-video"); if (el.webkitDecodedFrameCount !== undefined) { frames = el.webkitDecodedFrameCount; } else if (el.mozPaintedFrames !== undefined) { frames = el.mozPaintedFrames; } info = `${__handle.getBitrate()}`.replace("kbits/sec", "kbps"); if (frames !== null) { info += ` / ${Math.max(0, frames - __frames)} fps dynamic`; __frames = frames; } } __setInfo(true, __isOnline(), info); } }; var __isOnline = function() { return !!(__state && __state.source && __state.source.online); }; var __sendWatch = function() { if (__handle) { __logInfo(`Sending WATCH(orient=${__orient}, audio=${__allow_audio}) + FEATURES ...`); __handle.send({"message": {"request": "features"}}); __handle.send({"message": {"request": "watch", "params": { "orientation": __orient, "audio": __allow_audio, }}}); } }; var __sendStart = function(jsep) { if (__handle) { __logInfo("Sending START ..."); __handle.send({"message": {"request": "start"}, "jsep": jsep}); } }; var __sendKeyRequired = function() { /*if (__handle) { // На этом шаге мы говорим что стрим пошел и надо запросить кейфрейм __logInfo("Sending KEY_REQUIRED ..."); __handle.send({message: {request: "key_required"}}); }*/ }; var __sendStop = function() { __stopInfoInterval(); if (__handle) { __logInfo("Sending STOP ..."); __handle.send({"message": {"request": "stop"}}); __handle.hangup(); } }; var __logInfo = (...args) => tools.info("Stream [Janus]:", ...args); var __logError = (...args) => tools.error("Stream [Janus]:", ...args); } JanusStreamer.ensure_janus = function(callback) { if (_Janus === null) { import("./janus.js").then((module) => { module.Janus.init({ "debug": "all", "callback": function() { _Janus = module.Janus; callback(true); }, }); }).catch((err) => { tools.error("Stream: Can't import Janus module:", err); callback(false); }); } else { callback(true); } }; JanusStreamer.is_webrtc_available = function() { return !!window.RTCPeerConnection; }; JanusStreamer.is_h264_available = function() { let ok = true; if ($("stream-video").canPlayType) { ok = $("stream-video").canPlayType("video/mp4; codecs=\"avc1.42E01F\""); } return ok; };