/***************************************************************************** # # # KVMD - The main Pi-KVM daemon. # # # # Copyright (C) 2018 Maxim Devaev # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # *****************************************************************************/ "use strict"; import {tools, $} from "../tools.js"; import {wm} from "../wm.js"; import {Hid} from "./hid.js"; import {Atx} from "./atx.js"; import {Msd} from "./msd.js"; import {Streamer} from "./stream.js"; import {WakeOnLan} from "./wol.js"; export function Session() { // var self = this; /************************************************************************/ var __ws = null; var __ping_timer = null; var __missed_heartbeats = 0; var __hid = new Hid(); var __atx = new Atx(); var __msd = new Msd(); var __streamer = new Streamer(); var __wol = new WakeOnLan(); var __init__ = function() { __startSession(); }; /************************************************************************/ var __setKvmdInfo = function(state) { if (state.meta) { let text = JSON.stringify(state.meta, undefined, 4).replace(/ /g, " ").replace(/\n/g, "
"); $("about-meta").innerHTML = ` // The Pi-KVM metadata.
// You can get this json using handle /api/info.
// In the standard configuration this data
// is specified in the file /etc/kvmd/meta.yaml.

${text} `; if (state.meta.server && state.meta.server.host) { $("kvmd-meta-server-host").innerHTML = `Server: ${state.meta.server.host}`; document.title = `Pi-KVM Session: ${state.meta.server.host}`; } else { $("kvmd-meta-server-host").innerHTML = ""; document.title = "Pi-KVM Session"; } } $("about-version-kvmd").innerHTML = state.version.kvmd; $("about-version-streamer").innerHTML = `${state.version.streamer} (${state.streamer})`; }; var __startSession = function() { $("link-led").className = "led-yellow"; $("link-led").title = "Connecting..."; let http = tools.makeRequest("GET", "/api/auth/check", function() { if (http.readyState === 4) { if (http.status === 200) { let proto = (location.protocol === "https:" ? "wss" : "ws"); __ws = new WebSocket(`${proto}://${location.host}/api/ws`); __ws.onopen = __wsOpenHandler; __ws.onmessage = __wsMessageHandler; __ws.onerror = __wsErrorHandler; __ws.onclose = __wsCloseHandler; } else if (http.status === 401 || http.status === 403) { wm.error("Unexpected logout occured, please login again").then(function() { document.location.href = "/login"; }); } else { __wsCloseHandler(null); } } }); }; var __wsOpenHandler = function(event) { tools.debug("Session: socket opened:", event); $("link-led").className = "led-green"; $("link-led").title = "Connected"; __hid.setSocket(__ws); __missed_heartbeats = 0; __ping_timer = setInterval(__pingServer, 1000); }; var __wsMessageHandler = function(event) { // tools.debug("Session: received socket data:", event.data); let data = JSON.parse(event.data); switch (data.event_type) { case "pong": __missed_heartbeats = 0; break; case "info_state": __setKvmdInfo(data.event); break; case "wol_state": __wol.setState(data.event); break; case "hid_state": __hid.setState(data.event); break; case "atx_state": __atx.setState(data.event); break; case "msd_state": __msd.setState(data.event); break; case "streamer_state": __streamer.setState(data.event); break; } }; var __wsErrorHandler = function(event) { tools.error("Session: socket error:", event); if (__ws) { __ws.onclose = null; __ws.close(); __wsCloseHandler(null); } }; var __wsCloseHandler = function(event) { tools.debug("Session: socket closed:", event); $("link-led").className = "led-gray"; if (__ping_timer) { clearInterval(__ping_timer); __ping_timer = null; } __hid.setSocket(null); __atx.setState(null); __msd.setState(null); __streamer.setState(null); __ws = null; setTimeout(function() { $("link-led").className = "led-yellow"; setTimeout(__startSession, 500); }, 500); }; var __pingServer = function() { try { __missed_heartbeats += 1; if (__missed_heartbeats >= 5) { throw new Error("Too many missed heartbeats"); } __ws.send(JSON.stringify({"event_type": "ping", "event": {}})); } catch (err) { tools.error("Session: ping error:", err.message); if (__ws) { __ws.onclose = null; __ws.close(); __wsCloseHandler(null); } } }; __init__(); }