/***************************************************************************** # # # KVMD - The main PiKVM daemon. # # # # Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Maxim Devaev # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # *****************************************************************************/ "use strict"; import {tools, $, $$$} from "../tools.js"; import {wm} from "../wm.js"; import {Keyboard} from "./keyboard.js"; import {Mouse} from "./mouse.js"; export function Hid(__getGeometry, __recorder) { var self = this; /************************************************************************/ var __keyboard = null; var __mouse = null; var __init__ = function() { __keyboard = new Keyboard(__recorder.recordWsEvent); __mouse = new Mouse(__getGeometry, __recorder.recordWsEvent); let hidden_attr = null; let visibility_change_attr = null; if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") { hidden_attr = "hidden"; visibility_change_attr = "visibilitychange"; } else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== "undefined") { hidden_attr = "webkitHidden"; visibility_change_attr = "webkitvisibilitychange"; } else if (typeof document.mozHidden !== "undefined") { hidden_attr = "mozHidden"; visibility_change_attr = "mozvisibilitychange"; } if (visibility_change_attr) { document.addEventListener( visibility_change_attr, function() { if (document[hidden_attr]) { __releaseAll(); } }, false ); } window.addEventListener("pagehide", __releaseAll); window.addEventListener("blur", __releaseAll); tools.storage.bindSimpleSwitch($("hid-pak-ask-switch"), "hid.pak.ask", true); tools.storage.bindSimpleSwitch($("hid-pak-secure-switch"), "hid.pak.secure", false, function(value) { $("hid-pak-text").style.setProperty("-webkit-text-security", (value ? "disc" : "none")); }); tools.feature.setEnabled($("hid-pak-secure"), ( tools.browser.is_chrome || tools.browser.is_safari || tools.browser.is_opera )); $("hid-pak-keymap-selector").addEventListener("change", function() { tools.storage.set("hid.pak.keymap", $("hid-pak-keymap-selector").value); }); tools.el.setOnClick($("hid-pak-button"), __clickPasteAsKeysButton); tools.el.setOnClick($("hid-connect-switch"), __clickConnectSwitch); tools.el.setOnClick($("hid-reset-button"), __clickResetButton); for (let el_shortcut of $$$("[data-shortcut]")) { tools.el.setOnClick(el_shortcut, () => __emitShortcut(el_shortcut.getAttribute("data-shortcut").split(" "))); } }; /************************************************************************/ self.setSocket = function(ws) { tools.el.setEnabled($("hid-pak-text"), ws); tools.el.setEnabled($("hid-pak-button"), ws); tools.el.setEnabled($("hid-reset-button"), ws); if (!ws) { self.setState(null); } __keyboard.setSocket(ws); __mouse.setSocket(ws); }; self.setState = function(state) { let has_relative_squash = false; if (state && state.online) { let keyboard_outputs = state.keyboard.outputs.available; let mouse_outputs = state.mouse.outputs.available; if (keyboard_outputs.length) { if ($("hid-outputs-keyboard-box").outputs !== keyboard_outputs) { let html = ""; for (let args of [ ["USB", "usb"], ["PS/2", "ps2"], ["Off", "disabled"], ]) { if (keyboard_outputs.includes(args[1])) { html += tools.radio.makeItem("hid-outputs-keyboard-radio", args[0], args[1]); } } $("hid-outputs-keyboard-box").innerHTML = html; $("hid-outputs-keyboard-box").outputs = keyboard_outputs; tools.radio.setOnClick("hid-outputs-keyboard-radio", () => __clickOutputsRadio("keyboard")); } tools.radio.setValue("hid-outputs-keyboard-radio", state.keyboard.outputs.active); } let has_relative = false; if (mouse_outputs.length) { if ($("hid-outputs-mouse-box").outputs !== mouse_outputs) { let html = ""; for (let args of [ ["USB", "usb", false], ["USB Win98", "usb_win98", false], ["USB Relative", "usb_rel", true], ["PS/2", "ps2", true], ["Off", "disabled"], ]) { if (mouse_outputs.includes(args[1])) { html += tools.radio.makeItem("hid-outputs-mouse-radio", args[0], args[1]); has_relative = (has_relative || args[2]); } } $("hid-outputs-mouse-box").innerHTML = html; $("hid-outputs-mouse-box").outputs = mouse_outputs; tools.radio.setOnClick("hid-outputs-mouse-radio", () => __clickOutputsRadio("mouse")); } tools.radio.setValue("hid-outputs-mouse-radio", state.mouse.outputs.active); has_relative_squash = ["usb_rel", "ps2"].includes(state.mouse.outputs.active); } else { has_relative = !state.mouse.absolute; has_relative_squash = has_relative; } tools.feature.setEnabled($("hid-outputs"), (keyboard_outputs.length || mouse_outputs.length)); tools.feature.setEnabled($("hid-outputs-keyboard"), keyboard_outputs.length); tools.feature.setEnabled($("hid-outputs-mouse"), mouse_outputs.length); tools.feature.setEnabled($("hid-mouse-squash"), has_relative); tools.feature.setEnabled($("hid-mouse-sens"), has_relative); tools.feature.setEnabled($("hid-connect"), (state.connected !== null)); $("hid-connect-switch").checked = !!state.connected; } tools.radio.setEnabled("hid-outputs-keyboard-radio", (state && state.online && !state.busy)); tools.radio.setEnabled("hid-outputs-mouse-radio", (state && state.online && !state.busy)); tools.el.setEnabled($("hid-mouse-squash-switch"), (has_relative_squash && !state.busy)); tools.el.setEnabled($("hid-mouse-sens-slider"), (has_relative_squash && !state.busy)); tools.el.setEnabled($("hid-connect-switch"), (state && state.online && !state.busy)); if (state) { __keyboard.setState(state.keyboard, state.online, state.busy); __mouse.setState(state.mouse, state.online, state.busy); } }; self.setKeymaps = function(state) { let selected = tools.storage.get("hid.pak.keymap", state.keymaps["default"]); let html = ""; for (let variant of state.keymaps.available) { html += ``; } $("hid-pak-keymap-selector").innerHTML = html; }; var __releaseAll = function() { __keyboard.releaseAll(); __mouse.releaseAll(); }; var __emitShortcut = function(codes) { return new Promise(function(resolve) { tools.debug("HID: emitting keys:", codes); let raw_events = []; [[codes, true], [codes.slice().reverse(), false]].forEach(function(op) { let [op_codes, state] = op; for (let code of op_codes) { raw_events.push({code: code, state: state}); } }); let index = 0; let iterate = () => setTimeout(function() { __keyboard.emit(raw_events[index].code, raw_events[index].state); ++index; if (index < raw_events.length) { iterate(); } else { resolve(null); } }, 100); iterate(); }); }; var __clickPasteAsKeysButton = function() { let text = $("hid-pak-text").value; if (text) { let paste_as_keys = function() { tools.el.setEnabled($("hid-pak-text"), false); tools.el.setEnabled($("hid-pak-button"), false); tools.el.setEnabled($("hid-pak-keymap-selector"), false); let keymap = $("hid-pak-keymap-selector").value; tools.debug(`HID: paste-as-keys ${keymap}: ${text}`); let http = tools.makeRequest("POST", `/api/hid/print?limit=0&keymap=${keymap}`, function() { if (http.readyState === 4) { tools.el.setEnabled($("hid-pak-text"), true); tools.el.setEnabled($("hid-pak-button"), true); tools.el.setEnabled($("hid-pak-keymap-selector"), true); $("hid-pak-text").value = ""; if (http.status === 413) { wm.error("Too many text for paste!"); } else if (http.status !== 200) { wm.error("HID paste error:
", http.responseText); } else if (http.status === 200) { __recorder.recordPrintEvent(text); } } }, text, "text/plain"); }; if ($("hid-pak-ask-switch").checked) { let confirm_msg = `You're going to paste ${text.length} character${text.length ? "s" : ""}.
`; confirm_msg += "Are you sure you want to continue?"; wm.confirm(confirm_msg).then(function(ok) { if (ok) { paste_as_keys(); } else { $("hid-pak-text").value = ""; } }); } else { paste_as_keys(); } } }; var __clickOutputsRadio = function(hid) { let output = tools.radio.getValue(`hid-outputs-${hid}-radio`); let http = tools.makeRequest("POST", `/api/hid/set_params?${hid}_output=${output}`, function() { if (http.readyState === 4) { if (http.status !== 200) { wm.error("Can't configure HID:
", http.responseText); } } }); }; var __clickConnectSwitch = function() { let connected = $("hid-connect-switch").checked; let http = tools.makeRequest("POST", `/api/hid/set_connected?connected=${connected}`, function() { if (http.readyState === 4) { if (http.status !== 200) { wm.error(`Can't ${connected ? "connect" : "disconnect"} HID:
`, http.responseText); } } }); }; var __clickResetButton = function() { wm.confirm("Are you sure you want to reset HID (keyboard & mouse)?").then(function(ok) { if (ok) { let http = tools.makeRequest("POST", "/api/hid/reset", function() { if (http.readyState === 4) { if (http.status !== 200) { wm.error("HID reset error:
", http.responseText); } } }); } }); }; __init__(); }