mixin about_tab(name, title, checked=false) - let button_id = `about-tab-${name}-button` input(checked=checked type="radio" name="about-tab-button", id=button_id) label(for=button_id) #{title} div(class="tab") div(id=`about-${name}` class="code") if block block else span(class="code-comment") No data +window("about-window", "About", true, false) div(id="about") table tr td(valign="top" class="logo") img(class="svg-gray" src="../share/svg/logo.svg" alt="Open Source Hardware" height="40") td(valign="top") table tr #[td(colspan="2" class="title") Open Source & Open Hardware IP-KVM] tr #[td(colspan="2" class="copyright") Copyright © 2018 Pi-KVM Developers Team] br div(class="tabs-box") +about_tab("meta", "Meta", true) +about_tab("hw", "Hardware") +about_tab("version", "Version") +about_tab("thanks", "Thanks") span(class="code-comment") | // These kind people donated money to the Pi-KVM project#[br] | // and supported the work on it. We are very grateful#[br] | // for their help, and memorializing their names#[br] | // is the least we can do in gratitude.#[br] | // If you also want to support this project,#[br] | // you can use one of these services: | #[a(target="_blank" href="https://www.patreon.com/pikvm") Patreon] | or #[a(target="_blank" href="https://www.paypal.me/mdevaev") PayPal]. ul li Aleksei Brusianskii li Alucard li Anton Kovalenko li Arthur WoimbĂ©e li Ben Gordon li Branden Shaulis li Brian White li Bruno Gomes li Bryan Adams li Christof Maluck li Corey Lista li Clifford Coleman li Clinton Lee Taylor li David Howell li Denis Yatsenko li Dmitry Shilov li Ge Men li Grey Cynic li HimKo li Jacob Morgan li Jason Toland li Jeff Bowman li John McGovern li Jonathan Vaughn li Jozef Riha li Justin Waters li Malcolm Cameron li Mark Gilbert li Mark Robinson li Mauricio Allende li Michael Kovacs li Michael Lynch li Nicholas Jeppson li Nils Orbat li Nithin Philips li Samed Ozoglu li Scott li Steven Richter li Truman Kilen li Walter_Ego li YURI LEE li zgen br p(class="text") | Full documentation, source code, hardware schematics and legal information | can be found in our #[a(target="_blank" href="https://pikvm.org") official website].