extends start.pug append vars - title = "Pi-KVM Index" - main_js = "index/main" - css_list = css_list.concat(["window", "modal", "index/index"]) block start table tr td(valign="top" class="logo") img(class="svg-gray" src=`${svg_dir}/logo.svg` alt="Open Source Hardware" height="40") td(valign="top") table tr td(colspan="2" class="title") Open Source & Open Hardware IP-KVM tr td(colspan="2" class="copyright") Copyright © 2018 Pi-KVM Developers Team hr table td(class="server") td Server: td a(id="kvmd-meta-server-host" target="_blank" href="/api/info") hr div(id="apps-box") h4 Loading ... hr p(class="text") | Please note that when you are working with a KVM session or another application that captures the keyboard, | you can't use some keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl+Alt+Del (which will be caught by your OS) or Ctrl+W (caught by your browser). p(class="text") | To override this limitation you can use #[a(target="_blank" href="https://google.com/chrome") Google Chrome] | or #[a(target="_blank" href="https://chromium.org/Home") Chromium] in application mode. div(id="app-text" class="code") hr p(class="text") | Full documentation, source code, hardware schematics and legal information | can be found in our #[a(target="_blank" href="https://pikvm.org") official website].