# ========================================================================== # # # # KVMD - The main Pi-KVM daemon. # # # # Copyright (C) 2018 Maxim Devaev # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # # ========================================================================== # import os import asyncio import contextlib import dataclasses import time from typing import List from typing import Dict from typing import AsyncGenerator from typing import Optional import aiofiles import aiofiles.base from ....logging import get_logger from ....inotify import InotifyMask from ....inotify import Inotify from ....yamlconf import Option from ....validators.os import valid_abs_dir from ....validators.os import valid_command from .... import aiotools from .... import aiofs from .. import MsdError from .. import MsdIsBusyError from .. import MsdOfflineError from .. import MsdConnectedError from .. import MsdDisconnectedError from .. import MsdImageNotSelected from .. import MsdUnknownImageError from .. import MsdImageExistsError from .. import BaseMsd from . import fs from . import helpers from .drive import Drive # ===== @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class _DriveImage: name: str path: str size: int complete: bool in_storage: bool @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class _DriveState: image: Optional[_DriveImage] cdrom: bool rw: bool @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class _StorageState: size: int free: int images: Dict[str, _DriveImage] # ===== @dataclasses.dataclass class _VirtualDriveState: image: Optional[_DriveImage] connected: bool cdrom: bool @classmethod def from_drive_state(cls, state: _DriveState) -> "_VirtualDriveState": return _VirtualDriveState( image=state.image, connected=bool(state.image), cdrom=state.cdrom, ) class _State: def __init__(self, notifier: aiotools.AioNotifier) -> None: self.__notifier = notifier self.storage: Optional[_StorageState] = None self.vd: Optional[_VirtualDriveState] = None self._lock = asyncio.Lock() self._region = aiotools.AioExclusiveRegion(MsdIsBusyError) @contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def busy(self, check_online: bool=True) -> AsyncGenerator[None, None]: async with self._region: async with self._lock: await self.__notifier.notify() if check_online: if self.vd is None: raise MsdOfflineError() assert self.storage yield await self.__notifier.notify() def is_busy(self) -> bool: return self._region.is_busy() # ===== class Plugin(BaseMsd): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__( # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called self, storage_path: str, remount_cmd: List[str], unlock_cmd: List[str], sysfs_prefix: str, gadget: str, # XXX: Not from options, see /kvmd/apps/kvmd/__init__.py for details ) -> None: self.__storage_path = os.path.normpath(storage_path) self.__images_path = os.path.join(self.__storage_path, "images") self.__meta_path = os.path.join(self.__storage_path, "meta") self.__remount_cmd = remount_cmd self.__unlock_cmd = unlock_cmd self.__drive = Drive(sysfs_prefix, gadget, instance=0, lun=0) self.__new_file: Optional[aiofiles.base.AiofilesContextManager] = None self.__new_file_written = 0 self.__new_file_tick = 0.0 self.__state_notifier = aiotools.AioNotifier() self.__state = _State(self.__state_notifier) logger = get_logger(0) logger.info("Using OTG gadget %r as MSD", gadget) aiotools.run_sync(self.__reload_state()) @classmethod def get_plugin_options(cls) -> Dict: sudo = ["/usr/bin/sudo", "--non-interactive"] return { "storage": Option("/var/lib/kvmd/msd", type=valid_abs_dir, unpack_as="storage_path"), "remount_cmd": Option([*sudo, "/usr/bin/kvmd-helper-otgmsd-remount", "{mode}"], type=valid_command), "unlock_cmd": Option([*sudo, "/usr/bin/kvmd-helper-otgmsd-unlock", "unlock"], type=valid_command), "sysfs_prefix": Option("", type=(lambda arg: str(arg).strip())), } async def get_state(self) -> Dict: async with self.__state._lock: # pylint: disable=protected-access storage: Optional[Dict] = None if self.__state.storage: storage = dataclasses.asdict(self.__state.storage) for name in list(storage["images"]): del storage["images"][name]["path"] del storage["images"][name]["in_storage"] storage["uploading"] = bool(self.__new_file) if self.__new_file: # При загрузке файла показываем размер вручную space = fs.get_fs_space(self.__storage_path, fatal=False) if space: storage.update(dataclasses.asdict(space)) vd: Optional[Dict] = None if self.__state.vd: vd = dataclasses.asdict(self.__state.vd) if vd["image"]: del vd["image"]["path"] return { "enabled": True, "online": bool(self.__state.vd), "busy": self.__state.is_busy(), "storage": storage, "drive": vd, "features": { "multi": True, "cdrom": True, }, } async def poll_state(self) -> AsyncGenerator[Dict, None]: inotify_task = asyncio.create_task(self.__watch_inotify()) waiter_task: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None prev_state: Dict = {} try: while True: if inotify_task.cancelled(): break if inotify_task.done(): RuntimeError("Inotify task is dead") state = await self.get_state() if state != prev_state: yield state prev_state = state if waiter_task is None: waiter_task = asyncio.create_task(self.__state_notifier.wait()) if waiter_task in (await aiotools.wait_first(inotify_task, waiter_task))[0]: waiter_task = None finally: if not inotify_task.done(): inotify_task.cancel() await inotify_task @aiotools.atomic async def reset(self) -> None: async with self.__state.busy(check_online=False): try: await self.__unlock_drive() self.__drive.set_image_path("") self.__drive.set_rw_flag(False) self.__drive.set_cdrom_flag(False) except Exception: get_logger(0).exception("Can't reset MSD") @aiotools.atomic async def cleanup(self) -> None: await self.__close_new_file() # ===== @aiotools.atomic async def set_params(self, name: Optional[str]=None, cdrom: Optional[bool]=None) -> None: async with self.__state.busy(): assert self.__state.storage assert self.__state.vd if self.__state.vd.connected or self.__drive.get_image_path(): raise MsdConnectedError() if name is not None: if name: image = self.__state.storage.images.get(name) if image is None or not os.path.exists(image.path): raise MsdUnknownImageError() assert image.in_storage self.__state.vd.image = image else: self.__state.vd.image = None if cdrom is not None: self.__state.vd.cdrom = cdrom @aiotools.atomic async def connect(self) -> None: async with self.__state.busy(): assert self.__state.vd if self.__state.vd.connected or self.__drive.get_image_path(): raise MsdConnectedError() if self.__state.vd.image is None: raise MsdImageNotSelected() assert self.__state.vd.image.in_storage if not os.path.exists(self.__state.vd.image.path): raise MsdUnknownImageError() await self.__unlock_drive() self.__drive.set_cdrom_flag(self.__state.vd.cdrom) self.__drive.set_image_path(self.__state.vd.image.path) self.__state.vd.connected = True @aiotools.atomic async def disconnect(self) -> None: async with self.__state.busy(): assert self.__state.vd if not (self.__state.vd.connected or self.__drive.get_image_path()): raise MsdDisconnectedError() await self.__unlock_drive() self.__drive.set_image_path("") self.__state.vd.connected = False @contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def write_image(self, name: str) -> AsyncGenerator[None, None]: try: async with self.__state._region: # pylint: disable=protected-access try: async with self.__state._lock: # pylint: disable=protected-access await self.__state_notifier.notify() assert self.__state.storage assert self.__state.vd if self.__state.vd.connected or self.__drive.get_image_path(): raise MsdConnectedError() path = os.path.join(self.__images_path, name) if name in self.__state.storage.images or os.path.exists(path): raise MsdImageExistsError() await self.__remount_storage(rw=True) self.__set_image_complete(name, False) self.__new_file_written = 0 self.__new_file = await aiofiles.open(path, mode="w+b", buffering=0) await self.__state_notifier.notify() yield self.__set_image_complete(name, True) finally: await self.__close_new_file() try: await self.__remount_storage(rw=False) except Exception: pass finally: # Между закрытием файла и эвентом айнотифи состояние может быть не обновлено, # так что форсим обновление вручную, чтобы получить актуальное состояние. await self.__reload_state() await self.__state_notifier.notify() async def write_image_chunk(self, chunk: bytes) -> int: assert self.__new_file await aiofs.afile_write_now(self.__new_file, chunk) self.__new_file_written += len(chunk) now = time.time() if self.__new_file_tick + 1 < now: # Это нужно для ручного оповещения о свободном пространстве на диске, см. get_state() self.__new_file_tick = now await self.__state_notifier.notify() return self.__new_file_written @aiotools.atomic async def remove(self, name: str) -> None: async with self.__state.busy(): assert self.__state.storage assert self.__state.vd if self.__state.vd.connected or self.__drive.get_image_path(): raise MsdConnectedError() image = self.__state.storage.images.get(name) if image is None or not os.path.exists(image.path): raise MsdUnknownImageError() assert image.in_storage if self.__state.vd.image == image: self.__state.vd.image = None del self.__state.storage.images[name] await self.__remount_storage(rw=True) os.remove(image.path) self.__set_image_complete(name, False) await self.__remount_storage(rw=False) # ===== async def __close_new_file(self) -> None: try: if self.__new_file: get_logger().info("Closing new image file ...") await self.__new_file.close() except Exception: get_logger().exception("Can't close device file") finally: self.__new_file = None self.__new_file_written = 0 # ===== async def __watch_inotify(self) -> None: logger = get_logger(0) while True: try: while True: # Активно ждем, пока не будут на месте все каталоги. await self.__reload_state() await self.__state_notifier.notify() if self.__state.vd: break await asyncio.sleep(5) with Inotify() as inotify: inotify.watch(self.__images_path, InotifyMask.ALL_MODIFY_EVENTS) inotify.watch(self.__meta_path, InotifyMask.ALL_MODIFY_EVENTS) inotify.watch(self.__drive.get_sysfs_path(), InotifyMask.ALL_MODIFY_EVENTS) # После установки вотчеров еще раз проверяем стейт, чтобы ничего не потерять await self.__reload_state() await self.__state_notifier.notify() while self.__state.vd: # Если живы после предыдущей проверки need_restart = False need_reload_state = False for event in (await inotify.get_series(timeout=1)): need_reload_state = True if event.mask & (InotifyMask.DELETE_SELF | InotifyMask.MOVE_SELF | InotifyMask.UNMOUNT): # Если выгрузили OTG, что-то отмонтировали или делают еще какую-то странную фигню logger.warning("Got fatal inotify event: %s; reinitializing MSD ...", event) need_restart = True break if need_restart: break if need_reload_state: await self.__reload_state() await self.__state_notifier.notify() except Exception: logger.exception("Unexpected MSD watcher error") async def __reload_state(self) -> None: logger = get_logger(0) async with self.__state._lock: # pylint: disable=protected-access try: drive_state = self.__get_drive_state() if drive_state.rw: # Внештатное использование MSD, ломаемся raise MsdError("MSD has been switched to RW-mode manually") if self.__state.vd is None and drive_state.image is None: # Если только что включились и образ не подключен - попробовать # перемонтировать хранилище (и создать images и meta). logger.info("Probing to remount storage ...") await self.__remount_storage(rw=True) await self.__remount_storage(rw=False) storage_state = self.__get_storage_state() except Exception: logger.exception("Error while reloading MSD state; switching to offline") self.__state.storage = None self.__state.vd = None else: self.__state.storage = storage_state if drive_state.image: # При подключенном образе виртуальный стейт заменяется реальным self.__state.vd = _VirtualDriveState.from_drive_state(drive_state) else: if self.__state.vd is None: # Если раньше MSD был отключен self.__state.vd = _VirtualDriveState.from_drive_state(drive_state) if ( self.__state.vd.image and (not self.__state.vd.image.in_storage or not os.path.exists(self.__state.vd.image.path)) ): # Если только что отключили ручной образ вне хранилища или ранее выбранный образ был удален self.__state.vd.image = None self.__state.vd.connected = False # ===== def __get_storage_state(self) -> _StorageState: images: Dict[str, _DriveImage] = {} for name in os.listdir(self.__images_path): path = os.path.join(self.__images_path, name) if os.path.exists(path): size = fs.get_file_size(path) if size >= 0: images[name] = _DriveImage( name=name, path=path, size=size, complete=self.__is_image_complete(name), in_storage=True, ) space = fs.get_fs_space(self.__storage_path, fatal=True) assert space return _StorageState( size=space.size, free=space.free, images=images, ) def __get_drive_state(self) -> _DriveState: image: Optional[_DriveImage] = None path = self.__drive.get_image_path() if path: name = os.path.basename(path) in_storage = (os.path.dirname(path) == self.__images_path) image = _DriveImage( name=name, path=path, size=max(fs.get_file_size(path), 0), complete=(self.__is_image_complete(name) if in_storage else True), in_storage=in_storage, ) return _DriveState( image=image, cdrom=self.__drive.get_cdrom_flag(), rw=self.__drive.get_rw_flag(), ) # ===== def __is_image_complete(self, name: str) -> bool: return os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.__meta_path, name + ".complete")) def __set_image_complete(self, name: str, flag: bool) -> None: path = os.path.join(self.__meta_path, name + ".complete") if flag: open(path, "w").close() else: if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) # ===== async def __remount_storage(self, rw: bool) -> None: await helpers.remount_storage(self.__remount_cmd, rw) async def __unlock_drive(self) -> None: await helpers.unlock_drive(self.__unlock_cmd)