# ========================================================================== # # # # KVMD - The main PiKVM daemon. # # # # Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Maxim Devaev # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # # ========================================================================== # import copy from typing import AsyncGenerator from typing import Any from ....logging import get_logger from .... import aiomulti from .... import usb from ....yamlconf import Option from ....validators.basic import valid_bool from ....validators.basic import valid_int_f1 from ....validators.basic import valid_float_f01 from ....validators.os import valid_abs_path from .. import BaseHid from .keyboard import KeyboardProcess from .mouse import MouseProcess # ===== class Plugin(BaseHid): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__( self, ignore_keys: list[str], mouse_x_range: dict[str, Any], mouse_y_range: dict[str, Any], jiggler: dict[str, Any], keyboard: dict[str, Any], mouse: dict[str, Any], mouse_alt: dict[str, Any], noop: bool, udc: str, # XXX: Not from options, see /kvmd/apps/kvmd/__init__.py for details ) -> None: super().__init__(ignore_keys=ignore_keys, **mouse_x_range, **mouse_y_range, **jiggler) self.__udc = udc self.__notifier = aiomulti.AioProcessNotifier() win98_fix = mouse.pop("absolute_win98_fix") common = {"notifier": self.__notifier, "noop": noop} self.__keyboard_proc = KeyboardProcess(**common, **keyboard) self.__mouse_current = self.__mouse_proc = MouseProcess(**common, **mouse) self.__mouse_alt_proc: (MouseProcess | None) = None self.__mouses: dict[str, MouseProcess] = {} if mouse_alt["device_path"]: self.__mouse_alt_proc = MouseProcess( absolute=(not mouse["absolute"]), **common, **mouse_alt, ) self.__mouses = { "usb": (self.__mouse_proc if mouse["absolute"] else self.__mouse_alt_proc), "usb_rel": (self.__mouse_alt_proc if mouse["absolute"] else self.__mouse_proc), } if win98_fix: # На самом деле мультимышка и win95 не зависят друг от друга, # но так было проще реализовать переключение режимов self.__mouses["usb_win98"] = self.__mouses["usb"] self._set_jiggler_absolute(self.__mouse_current.is_absolute()) @classmethod def get_plugin_options(cls) -> dict: return { "keyboard": { "device": Option("/dev/kvmd-hid-keyboard", type=valid_abs_path, unpack_as="device_path"), "select_timeout": Option(0.1, type=valid_float_f01), "queue_timeout": Option(0.1, type=valid_float_f01), "write_retries": Option(150, type=valid_int_f1), }, "mouse": { "device": Option("/dev/kvmd-hid-mouse", type=valid_abs_path, unpack_as="device_path"), "select_timeout": Option(0.1, type=valid_float_f01), "queue_timeout": Option(0.1, type=valid_float_f01), "write_retries": Option(150, type=valid_int_f1), "absolute": Option(True, type=valid_bool), "absolute_win98_fix": Option(False, type=valid_bool), "horizontal_wheel": Option(True, type=valid_bool), }, "mouse_alt": { "device": Option("", type=valid_abs_path, if_empty="", unpack_as="device_path"), "select_timeout": Option(0.1, type=valid_float_f01), "queue_timeout": Option(0.1, type=valid_float_f01), "write_retries": Option(150, type=valid_int_f1), # No absolute option here, initialized by (not mouse.absolute) # Also no absolute_win98_fix "horizontal_wheel": Option(True, type=valid_bool), }, "noop": Option(False, type=valid_bool), **cls._get_base_options(), } def sysprep(self) -> None: udc = usb.find_udc(self.__udc) get_logger(0).info("Using UDC %s", udc) self.__keyboard_proc.start(udc) self.__mouse_proc.start(udc) if self.__mouse_alt_proc: self.__mouse_alt_proc.start(udc) async def get_state(self) -> dict: keyboard_state = await self.__keyboard_proc.get_state() mouse_state = await self.__mouse_current.get_state() return { "enabled": True, "online": True, "busy": False, "connected": None, "keyboard": { "online": keyboard_state["online"], "leds": { "caps": keyboard_state["caps"], "scroll": keyboard_state["scroll"], "num": keyboard_state["num"], }, "outputs": {"available": [], "active": ""}, }, "mouse": { "outputs": { "available": list(self.__mouses), "active": self.__get_current_mouse_mode(), }, **mouse_state, }, **self._get_jiggler_state(), } async def trigger_state(self) -> None: self.__notifier.notify(1) async def poll_state(self) -> AsyncGenerator[dict, None]: prev: dict = {} while True: if (await self.__notifier.wait()) > 0: prev = {} new = await self.get_state() if new != prev: prev = copy.deepcopy(new) yield new async def reset(self) -> None: self.__keyboard_proc.send_reset_event() self.__mouse_proc.send_reset_event() if self.__mouse_alt_proc: self.__mouse_alt_proc.send_reset_event() async def cleanup(self) -> None: try: self.__keyboard_proc.cleanup() finally: try: self.__mouse_proc.cleanup() finally: if self.__mouse_alt_proc: self.__mouse_alt_proc.cleanup() # ===== def set_params( self, keyboard_output: (str | None)=None, mouse_output: (str | None)=None, jiggler: (bool | None)=None, ) -> None: _ = keyboard_output if mouse_output in self.__mouses and mouse_output != self.__get_current_mouse_mode(): self.__mouse_current.send_clear_event() self.__mouse_current = self.__mouses[mouse_output] self.__mouse_current.set_win98_fix(mouse_output == "usb_win98") self._set_jiggler_absolute(self.__mouse_current.is_absolute()) self.__notifier.notify() if jiggler is not None: self._set_jiggler_active(jiggler) self.__notifier.notify() def _send_key_event(self, key: str, state: bool) -> None: self.__keyboard_proc.send_key_event(key, state) def _send_mouse_button_event(self, button: str, state: bool) -> None: self.__mouse_current.send_button_event(button, state) def _send_mouse_move_event(self, to_x: int, to_y: int) -> None: self.__mouse_current.send_move_event(to_x, to_y) def _send_mouse_relative_event(self, delta_x: int, delta_y: int) -> None: self.__mouse_current.send_relative_event(delta_x, delta_y) def _send_mouse_wheel_event(self, delta_x: int, delta_y: int) -> None: self.__mouse_current.send_wheel_event(delta_x, delta_y) def _clear_events(self) -> None: self.__keyboard_proc.send_clear_event() self.__mouse_proc.send_clear_event() if self.__mouse_alt_proc: self.__mouse_alt_proc.send_clear_event() # ===== def __get_current_mouse_mode(self) -> str: if len(self.__mouses) == 0: return "" if self.__mouse_current.is_absolute(): return ("usb_win98" if self.__mouse_current.get_win98_fix() else "usb") return "usb_rel"