# ========================================================================== # # # # KVMD - The main PiKVM daemon. # # # # Copyright (C) 2018-2023 Maxim Devaev # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # # ========================================================================== # import multiprocessing import time from typing import Iterable from typing import AsyncGenerator from typing import Any from ....logging import get_logger from ....yamlconf import Option from ....validators.basic import valid_bool from ....validators.basic import valid_stripped_string_not_empty from ....validators.basic import valid_int_f1 from ....validators.basic import valid_float_f01 from .... import aiotools from .... import aiomulti from .... import aioproc from .. import BaseHid from ..otg.events import ResetEvent from ..otg.events import make_keyboard_event from ..otg.events import MouseButtonEvent from ..otg.events import MouseRelativeEvent from ..otg.events import MouseWheelEvent from .sdp import make_sdp_record from .bluez import BluezIface from .server import BtServer # ===== class Plugin(BaseHid): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes # https://github.com/SySS-Research/bluetooth-keyboard-emulator # https://github.com/nutki/bt-keyboard-switcher # https://gist.github.com/whitelynx/9f9bd4cb266b3924c64dfdff14bce2e8 # https://archlinuxarm.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=67&t=14244 def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals self, manufacturer: str, product: str, description: str, iface: str, alias: str, pairing_required: bool, auth_required: bool, control_public: bool, unpair_on_close: bool, max_clients: int, socket_timeout: float, select_timeout: float, jiggler: dict[str, Any], ) -> None: super().__init__(**jiggler) self._set_jiggler_absolute(False) self.__proc: (multiprocessing.Process | None) = None self.__stop_event = multiprocessing.Event() self.__notifier = aiomulti.AioProcessNotifier() self.__server = BtServer( iface=BluezIface( iface=iface, alias=alias, sdp_record=make_sdp_record(manufacturer, product, description), pairing_required=pairing_required, auth_required=auth_required, ), control_public=control_public, unpair_on_close=unpair_on_close, max_clients=max_clients, socket_timeout=socket_timeout, select_timeout=select_timeout, notifier=self.__notifier, stop_event=self.__stop_event, ) @classmethod def get_plugin_options(cls) -> dict: return { "manufacturer": Option("PiKVM"), "product": Option("HID Device"), "description": Option("Bluetooth Keyboard & Mouse"), "iface": Option("hci0", type=valid_stripped_string_not_empty), "alias": Option("PiKVM HID"), "pairing_required": Option(True, type=valid_bool), "auth_required": Option(False, type=valid_bool), "control_public": Option(True, type=valid_bool), "unpair_on_close": Option(True, type=valid_bool), "max_clients": Option(1, type=valid_int_f1), "socket_timeout": Option(5.0, type=valid_float_f01), "select_timeout": Option(1.0, type=valid_float_f01), **cls._get_jiggler_options(), } def sysprep(self) -> None: get_logger(0).info("Starting HID daemon ...") self.__proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.__server_worker, daemon=True) self.__proc.start() async def get_state(self) -> dict: state = await self.__server.get_state() outputs: dict = {"available": [], "active": ""} return { "online": True, "busy": False, "connected": None, "keyboard": { "online": state["online"], "leds": { "caps": state["caps"], "scroll": state["scroll"], "num": state["num"], }, "outputs": outputs, }, "mouse": { "online": state["online"], "absolute": False, "outputs": outputs, }, **self._get_jiggler_state(), } async def poll_state(self) -> AsyncGenerator[dict, None]: prev_state: dict = {} while True: state = await self.get_state() if state != prev_state: yield state prev_state = state await self.__notifier.wait() async def reset(self) -> None: self.clear_events() self.__server.queue_event(ResetEvent()) @aiotools.atomic_fg async def cleanup(self) -> None: if self.__proc is not None: if self.__proc.is_alive(): get_logger(0).info("Stopping HID daemon ...") self.__stop_event.set() if self.__proc.is_alive() or self.__proc.exitcode is not None: self.__proc.join() # ===== def send_key_events(self, keys: Iterable[tuple[str, bool]]) -> None: for (key, state) in keys: self.__server.queue_event(make_keyboard_event(key, state)) self._bump_activity() def send_mouse_button_event(self, button: str, state: bool) -> None: self.__server.queue_event(MouseButtonEvent(button, state)) self._bump_activity() def send_mouse_relative_event(self, delta_x: int, delta_y: int) -> None: self.__server.queue_event(MouseRelativeEvent(delta_x, delta_y)) self._bump_activity() def send_mouse_wheel_event(self, delta_x: int, delta_y: int) -> None: self.__server.queue_event(MouseWheelEvent(delta_x, delta_y)) self._bump_activity() def clear_events(self) -> None: self.__server.clear_events() self._bump_activity() def set_params( self, keyboard_output: (str | None)=None, mouse_output: (str | None)=None, jiggler: (bool | None)=None, ) -> None: _ = keyboard_output _ = mouse_output if jiggler is not None: self._set_jiggler_active(jiggler) self.__notifier.notify() # ===== def __server_worker(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=too-many-branches logger = aioproc.settle("HID", "hid") while not self.__stop_event.is_set(): try: self.__server.run() except Exception: logger.exception("Unexpected HID error") time.sleep(5)