# http://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html [platformio] core_dir = ./.platformio/ [env] framework = arduino platform = ststm32 board = genericSTM32F103C8 board_build.core = maple extra_scripts = post:patch.py [_common] lib_deps = git+https://github.com/ZulNs/STM32F1_RTC#v1.1.0 git+https://github.com/arpruss/USBComposite_stm32f1#3c58f97eb006ee9cd1fb4fd55ac4faeeaead0974 drivers-stm32 build_flags = # ----- The default config with dynamic switching ----- -DHID_DYNAMIC -DHID_WITH_USB -DHID_SET_USB_KBD -DHID_SET_USB_MOUSE_ABS [_serial] extends = _common build_flags = ${_common.build_flags} -DCMD_SERIAL=Serial1 -DCMD_SERIAL_SPEED=115200 -DCMD_SERIAL_TIMEOUT=100000 # ===== Serial ===== [env:serial] extends = _serial upload_flags = -c set CPUTAPID 0x2ba01477 debug_tool= stlink debug_build_flags = -Og -ggdb3 -g3 debug_server = .platformio/packages/tool-openocd/bin/openocd -s .platformio/packages/tool-openocd/scripts -f interface/stlink.cfg -c "transport select hla_swd" -c "set CPUTAPID 0x2ba01477" -f target/stm32f1x.cfg -c "reset_config none" ; build_type = debug [env:patch] ; platformio-stm32f1-no-serial-usb.patch requires to running build again ; fake target was added to avoid error during first build src_filter = -