path: root/scripts
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-11-28pikvm/pikvm#1174: static wifi config support for kvmd-bootconfigMaxim Devaev
2023-10-24kvmd-udev-hdmiusb-check: Add support for rPi4 b rev 1.5 (#153)Rushab Shah
2023-09-28pikvm/pikvm#1115: 640 permissions to wpa configMaxim Devaev
2023-05-28kvmd-bootconfig: improved oled handlingMaxim Devaev
2023-05-27Show first time boot status in oled (#134)srepac
2023-05-27copyright updateMaxim Devaev
2023-04-13Update kvmd-certbot: fix cp -a to catch dotfiles (#127)vipergts450
2023-03-29Update kvmd-certbot (#125)vipergts450
2023-01-19fixed nginx restart for cloudMaxim Devaev
2023-01-18kvmd-certbot install_cloudMaxim Devaev
2022-12-04Fixed pikvm/pikvm#882: Ethernet settings in pikvm.txtMaxim Devaev
2022-07-03sudo --preserve-env in kvmd-certbotMaxim Devaev
2022-06-26fixMaxim Devaev
2022-06-26restore permissionsMaxim Devaev
2022-06-25remove csr and keys dirsMaxim Devaev
2022-06-25remove old certbot logs, csr and keysMaxim Devaev
2022-06-25changed certbot commandsMaxim Devaev
2022-06-25mask renew errorMaxim Devaev
2022-06-25fixed cert dir permissionsMaxim Devaev
2022-06-24improved kvmd-certbotMaxim Devaev
2022-06-24restart nginx and vnc if neededMaxim Devaev
2022-06-24fixed permissions againMaxim Devaev
2022-06-24fixed permissionsMaxim Devaev
2022-06-24kvmd-certbotMaxim Devaev
2022-06-24shellcheckMaxim Devaev
2022-06-24cleanup old certs in kvmd-gencertMaxim Devaev
2022-04-21pikvm/pikvm#604: support partition LABEL in bootconfigMaxim Devaev
2022-01-07copyright bumpMaxim Devaev
2021-11-20fixed bootconfig roMaxim Devaev
2021-11-12renamed scripts directoryMaxim Devaev
2021-11-12Update kvmd-bootconfig (#74)srepac
2021-11-08pikvm/pikvm#73: run custom bootconfig scripts from /etc/kvmd/bootconfig.dMaxim Devaev
2021-10-29fixed ENABLE_OTG_SERIALMaxim Devaev
2021-10-29refactoringMaxim Devaev
2021-10-29ENABLE_OTG_SERIALMaxim Devaev
2021-10-27FIRST_BOOTMaxim Devaev
2021-10-26pikvm/pikvm#107: change ssh port in pikvm.txtMaxim Devaev
2021-10-19commentsMaxim Devaev
2021-10-19kvmd-bootconfig prototypeMaxim Devaev
2021-09-08small rebrandingMaxim Devaev
2021-05-20fixed systemd bug: systemd >= 248.3-2Devaev Maxim
2021-05-12quick workaround for broken %bDevaev Maxim
2021-02-15fixed cert permsDevaev Maxim
2021-02-15vnc gencertDevaev Maxim
2021-01-28another rpi4 revisionDevaev Maxim
2021-01-14added info about the new pi4 revisionDevaev Maxim
2021-01-07update copyDevaev Maxim
2020-09-10fixDevaev Maxim
2020-08-01revision-specificDevaev Maxim
2020-07-08moving to eccDevaev Maxim