path: root/kvmd/web/js
diff options
authorDevaev Maxim <[email protected]>2018-09-26 02:57:24 +0300
committerDevaev Maxim <[email protected]>2018-09-26 02:57:24 +0300
commit81a5311349564a1016c4af2bf18ae872b650e85b (patch)
treed01fd027948494e22ae2c14334b98c1515e5e8a4 /kvmd/web/js
parentf3946f102fc167efdc53c73412b2c0d6ac6c72c5 (diff)
moved kvmd to the root
Diffstat (limited to 'kvmd/web/js')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 1364 deletions
diff --git a/kvmd/web/js/atx.js b/kvmd/web/js/atx.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f4b4811a..00000000
--- a/kvmd/web/js/atx.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-function Atx() {
- var self = this;
- /********************************************************************************/
- var __init__ = function() {
- $("atx-power-led").title = "Power Led";
- $("atx-hdd-led").title = "Disk Activity Led";
- tools.setOnClick($("atx-power-button"), () => __clickButton("power", null, "Are you sure to click the power button?"));
- tools.setOnClick($("atx-power-button-long"), () => __clickButton("power_long", 15000, "Are you sure to perform the long press of the power button?"));
- tools.setOnClick($("atx-reset-button"), () => __clickButton("reset", null, "Are you sure to reboot the server?"));
- };
- /********************************************************************************/
- self.loadInitialState = function() {
- var http = tools.makeRequest("GET", "/kvmd/atx", function() {
- if (http.readyState === 4) {
- if (http.status === 200) {
- __setButtonsBusy(JSON.parse(http.responseText).result.busy);
- } else {
- setTimeout(self.loadInitialState, 1000);
- }
- }
- });
- };
- self.setState = function(state) {
- __setButtonsBusy(state.busy);
- $("atx-power-led").className = (state.leds.power ? "led-on" : "led-off");
- $("atx-hdd-led").className = (state.leds.hdd ? "led-hdd-busy" : "led-off");
- };
- self.clearState = function() {
- $("atx-power-led").className = "led-off";
- $("atx-hdd-led").className = "led-off";
- };
- var __clickButton = function(button, timeout, confirm_msg) {
- ui.confirm(confirm_msg).then(function(ok) {
- if (ok) {
- var http = tools.makeRequest("POST", "/kvmd/atx/click?button=" + button, function() {
- if (http.readyState === 4) {
- if (http.status === 409) {
- ui.error("Performing another ATX operation for other client.<br>Please try again later");
- } else if (http.status !== 200) {
- ui.error("Click error:<br>", http.responseText);
- }
- }
- }, timeout);
- }
- });
- };
- var __setButtonsBusy = function(busy) {
- $("atx-power-button").disabled = busy;
- $("atx-power-button-long").disabled = busy;
- $("atx-reset-button").disabled = busy;
- };
- __init__();
diff --git a/kvmd/web/js/hid.js b/kvmd/web/js/hid.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ca535157..00000000
--- a/kvmd/web/js/hid.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-function Hid() {
- var self = this;
- /********************************************************************************/
- var __ws = null;
- var __chars_to_codes = {};
- var __codes_delay = 50;
- var __keyboard = new Keyboard();
- var __mouse = new Mouse();
- var __init__ = function() {
- var __hidden_attr = null;
- var __visibility_change_attr = null;
- if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") {
- __hidden_attr = "hidden";
- __visibility_change_attr = "visibilitychange";
- } else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== "undefined") {
- __hidden_attr = "webkitHidden";
- __visibility_change_attr = "webkitvisibilitychange";
- } else if (typeof document.mozHidden !== "undefined") {
- __hidden_attr = "mozHidden";
- __visibility_change_attr = "mozvisibilitychange";
- }
- if (__visibility_change_attr) {
- document.addEventListener(
- __visibility_change_attr,
- function() {
- if (document[__hidden_attr]) {
- __releaseAll();
- }
- },
- false
- );
- }
- window.onpagehide = __releaseAll;
- window.onblur = __releaseAll;
- if (window.navigator.clipboard && window.navigator.clipboard.readText) {
- __chars_to_codes = __buildCharsToCodes();
- tools.setOnClick($("pak-button"), __pasteAsKeysFromClipboard);
- } else {
- $("pak-button").title = $("pak-led").title = "Your browser does not support the Clipboard API.\nUse Google Chrome or Chromium.";
- }
-"[data-shortcut]"), function(el_shortcut) {
- tools.setOnClick(el_shortcut, () => __emitShortcut(el_shortcut.getAttribute("data-shortcut").split(" ")));
- });
- };
- /********************************************************************************/
- self.setSocket = function(ws) {
- __ws = ws;
- __keyboard.setSocket(ws);
- __mouse.setSocket(ws);
- $("pak-button").disabled = !(window.navigator.clipboard && window.navigator.clipboard.readText && ws);
- };
- var __releaseAll = function() {
- __keyboard.releaseAll();
- };
- var __emitShortcut = function(codes) {
- return new Promise(function(resolve) {
- tools.debug("Emitting keys:", codes);
- var raw_events = [];
- [[codes, true], [codes.slice().reverse(), false]].forEach(function(op) {
- var [op_codes, state] = op;
- op_codes.forEach(function(code) {
- raw_events.push({code: code, state: state});
- });
- });
- var index = 0;
- var iterate = () => setTimeout(function() {
- __keyboard.fireEvent(raw_events[index].code, raw_events[index].state);
- ++index;
- if (index < raw_events.length) {
- iterate();
- } else {
- resolve(null);
- }
- }, __codes_delay);
- iterate();
- });
- };
- var __buildCharsToCodes = function() {
- var chars_to_codes = {
- "\n": ["Enter"],
- "\t": ["Tab"],
- " ": ["Space"],
- "`": ["Backquote"], "~": ["ShiftLeft", "Backquote"],
- "\\": ["Backslash"], "|": ["ShiftLeft", "Backslash"],
- "[": ["BracketLeft"], "{": ["ShiftLeft", "BracketLeft"],
- "]": ["BracketLeft"], "}": ["ShiftLeft", "BracketRight"],
- ",": ["Comma"], "<": ["ShiftLeft", "Comma"],
- ".": ["Period"], ">": ["ShiftLeft", "Period"],
- "1": ["Digit1"], "!": ["ShiftLeft", "Digit1"],
- "2": ["Digit2"], "@": ["ShiftLeft", "Digit2"],
- "3": ["Digit3"], "#": ["ShiftLeft", "Digit3"],
- "4": ["Digit4"], "$": ["ShiftLeft", "Digit4"],
- "5": ["Digit5"], "%": ["ShiftLeft", "Digit5"],
- "6": ["Digit6"], "^": ["ShiftLeft", "Digit6"],
- "7": ["Digit7"], "&": ["ShiftLeft", "Digit7"],
- "8": ["Digit8"], "*": ["ShiftLeft", "Digit8"],
- "9": ["Digit9"], "(": ["ShiftLeft", "Digit9"],
- "0": ["Digit0"], ")": ["ShiftLeft", "Digit0"],
- "-": ["Minus"], "_": ["ShiftLeft", "Minus"],
- "'": ["Quote"], "\"": ["ShiftLeft", "Quote"],
- ";": ["Semicolon"], ":": ["ShiftLeft", "Semicolon"],
- "/": ["Slash"], "?": ["ShiftLeft", "Slash"],
- "=": ["Equal"], "+": ["ShiftLeft", "Equal"],
- };
- for (var ch = "a".charCodeAt(0); ch <= "z".charCodeAt(0); ++ch) {
- var low = String.fromCharCode(ch);
- var up = low.toUpperCase();
- var code = "Key" + up;
- chars_to_codes[low] = [code];
- chars_to_codes[up] = ["ShiftLeft", code];
- }
- return chars_to_codes;
- };
- var __pasteAsKeysFromClipboard = function() {
- window.navigator.clipboard.readText().then(__pasteAsKeys);
- };
- var __pasteAsKeys = function(text) {
- text = text.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, ""); // eslint-disable-line no-control-regex
- if (text) {
- var clipboard_codes = [];
- var codes_count = 0;
- [...text].forEach(function(ch) {
- var codes = __chars_to_codes[ch];
- if (codes) {
- codes_count += codes.length;
- clipboard_codes.push(codes);
- }
- });
- var confirm_msg = (
- "You are going to automatically type " + codes_count
- + " characters from the system clipboard."
- + " It will take " + (__codes_delay * codes_count * 2 / 1000) + " seconds.<br>"
- + "<br>Are you sure you want to continue?<br>"
- );
- ui.confirm(confirm_msg).then(function(ok) {
- if (ok) {
- $("pak-button").disabled = true;
- $("pak-led").className = "led-pak-typing";
- $("pak-led").title = "Autotyping...";
- tools.debug("Paste-as-keys:", text);
- var index = 0;
- var iterate = function() {
- __emitShortcut(clipboard_codes[index]).then(function() {
- ++index;
- if (index < clipboard_codes.length && __ws) {
- iterate();
- } else {
- $("pak-button").disabled = false;
- $("pak-led").className = "led-off";
- $("pak-led").title = "";
- }
- });
- };
- iterate();
- }
- });
- }
- };
- __init__();
diff --git a/kvmd/web/js/keyboard.js b/kvmd/web/js/keyboard.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b8c4797b..00000000
--- a/kvmd/web/js/keyboard.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-function Keyboard() {
- var self = this;
- /********************************************************************************/
- var __ws = null;
- var __keys = []"div#keyboard-desktop div.keyboard-block div.keyboard-row div.key"));
- var __modifiers = []"div#keyboard-desktop div.keyboard-block div.keyboard-row div.modifier"));
- var __mac_cmd_hook = ((
- window.navigator.oscpu
- || window.navigator.platform
- || window.navigator.appVersion
- || "Unknown"
- ).indexOf("Mac") !== -1);
- var __init__ = function() {
- $("hid-keyboard-led").title = "Keyboard free";
- $("keyboard-window").onkeydown = (event) => __keyboardHandler(event, true);
- $("keyboard-window").onkeyup = (event) => __keyboardHandler(event, false);
- $("keyboard-window").onfocus = __updateLeds;
- $("keyboard-window").onblur = __updateLeds;
- $("stream-window").onkeydown = (event) => __keyboardHandler(event, true);
- $("stream-window").onkeyup = (event) => __keyboardHandler(event, false);
- $("stream-window").onfocus = __updateLeds;
- $("stream-window").onblur = __updateLeds;
-$$("key"), function(el_key) {
- tools.setOnDown(el_key, () => __clickHandler(el_key, true));
- tools.setOnUp(el_key, () => __clickHandler(el_key, false));
- el_key.onmouseout = function() {
- if (__isPressed(el_key)) {
- __clickHandler(el_key, false);
- }
- };
- });
-$$("modifier"), function(el_key) {
- tools.setOnDown(el_key, () => __toggleModifierHandler(el_key));
- });
- if (__mac_cmd_hook) {
-"Keyboard: enabled Mac-CMD-Hook");
- }
- };
- /********************************************************************************/
- self.setSocket = function(ws) {
- if (ws !== __ws) {
- self.releaseAll();
- __ws = ws;
- }
- __updateLeds();
- };
- self.releaseAll = function() {
- __keys.concat(__modifiers).forEach(function(el_key) {
- if (__isActive(el_key)) {
- self.fireEvent(el_key.getAttribute("data-key"), false);
- }
- });
- };
- self.fireEvent = function(code, state) {
- __keyboardHandler({code: code}, state);
- };
- var __updateLeds = function() {
- if (__ws && (document.activeElement === $("stream-window") || document.activeElement === $("keyboard-window"))) {
- $("hid-keyboard-led").className = "led-on";
- $("hid-keyboard-led").title = "Keyboard captured";
- } else {
- $("hid-keyboard-led").className = "led-off";
- $("hid-keyboard-led").title = "Keyboard free";
- }
- };
- var __keyboardHandler = function(event, state) {
- if (event.preventDefault) {
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- var el_key = document.querySelector("[data-key='" + event.code + "']");
- if (el_key && !event.repeat) {
- __commonHandler(el_key, state, "pressed");
- if (__mac_cmd_hook) {
- //
- //
- if ((event.code === "MetaLeft" || event.code === "MetaRight") && !state) {
- __keys.forEach(function(el_key) {
- if (__isActive(el_key)) {
- self.fireEvent(el_key.getAttribute("data-key"), false);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- __unholdModifiers();
- }
- };
- var __clickHandler = function(el_key, state) {
- __commonHandler(el_key, state, "pressed");
- __unholdModifiers();
- };
- var __toggleModifierHandler = function(el_key) {
- __commonHandler(el_key, !__isActive(el_key), "holded");
- };
- var __unholdModifiers = function() {
- __modifiers.forEach(function(el_key) {
- if (__isHolded(el_key)) {
- __deactivate(el_key);
- __sendKey(el_key, false);
- }
- });
- };
- var __commonHandler = function(el_key, state, cls) {
- if (state && !__isActive(el_key)) {
- __deactivate(el_key);
- __activate(el_key, cls);
- __sendKey(el_key, true);
- } else {
- __deactivate(el_key);
- __sendKey(el_key, false);
- }
- };
- var __isPressed = function(el_key) {
- var is_pressed = false;
-, function(el_key) {
- is_pressed = (is_pressed || el_key.classList.contains("pressed"));
- });
- return is_pressed;
- };
- var __isHolded = function(el_key) {
- var is_holded = false;
-, function(el_key) {
- is_holded = (is_holded || el_key.classList.contains("holded"));
- });
- return is_holded;
- };
- var __isActive = function(el_key) {
- var is_active = false;
-, function(el_key) {
- is_active = (is_active || el_key.classList.contains("pressed") || el_key.classList.contains("holded"));
- });
- return is_active;
- };
- var __activate = function(el_key, cls) {
-, function(el_key) {
- el_key.classList.add(cls);
- });
- };
- var __deactivate = function(el_key) {
-, function(el_key) {
- el_key.classList.remove("pressed");
- el_key.classList.remove("holded");
- });
- };
- var __resolveKeys = function(el_key) {
- return document.querySelectorAll("[data-key='" + el_key.getAttribute("data-key") + "']");
- };
- var __sendKey = function(el_key, state) {
- var code = el_key.getAttribute("data-key");
- tools.debug("Key", (state ? "pressed:" : "released:"), code);
- if (__ws) {
- __ws.send(JSON.stringify({
- event_type: "key",
- key: code,
- state: state,
- }));
- }
- };
- __init__();
diff --git a/kvmd/web/js/main.js b/kvmd/web/js/main.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 211e8525..00000000
--- a/kvmd/web/js/main.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-var ui;
-function main() {
- if (
- !window.navigator
- || window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE ") > 0
- || window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident/") > 0
- || window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Edge/") > 0
- ) {
- $("bad-browser-modal").style.visibility = "visible";
- } else {
- ui = new Ui();
- new Session(new Atx(), new Hid(), new Msd());
- new Stream();
- }
diff --git a/kvmd/web/js/mouse.js b/kvmd/web/js/mouse.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e4038436..00000000
--- a/kvmd/web/js/mouse.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-function Mouse() {
- var self = this;
- /********************************************************************************/
- var __ws = null;
- var __current_pos = {x: 0, y:0};
- var __sent_pos = {x: 0, y:0};
- var __stream_hovered = false;
- var __init__ = function() {
- $("hid-mouse-led").title = "Mouse free";
- $("stream-box").onmouseenter = __hoverStream;
- $("stream-box").onmouseleave = __leaveStream;
- $("stream-box").onmousedown = (event) => __buttonHandler(event, true);
- $("stream-box").onmouseup = (event) => __buttonHandler(event, false);
- $("stream-box").oncontextmenu = (event) => event.preventDefault();
- $("stream-box").onmousemove = __moveHandler;
- $("stream-box").onwheel = __wheelHandler;
- $("stream-box").ontouchstart = (event) => __touchMoveHandler(event);
-"[data-mouse-button]"), function(el_button) {
- var button = el_button.getAttribute("data-mouse-button");
- tools.setOnDown(el_button, () => __sendButton(button, true));
- tools.setOnUp(el_button, () => __sendButton(button, false));
- });
- setInterval(__sendMove, 100);
- };
- /********************************************************************************/
- self.setSocket = function(ws) {
- __ws = ws;
- if (ws) {
- $("stream-box").classList.add("stream-box-mouse-enabled");
- } else {
- $("stream-box").classList.remove("stream-box-mouse-enabled");
- }
- };
- var __hoverStream = function() {
- __stream_hovered = true;
- __updateLeds();
- };
- var __leaveStream = function() {
- __stream_hovered = false;
- __updateLeds();
- };
- var __updateLeds = function() {
- if (__ws && __stream_hovered) {
- $("hid-mouse-led").className = "led-on";
- $("hid-mouse-led").title = "Mouse tracked";
- } else {
- $("hid-mouse-led").className = "led-off";
- $("hid-mouse-led").title = "Mouse free";
- }
- };
- var __buttonHandler = function(event, state) {
- //
- event.preventDefault();
- switch (event.button) {
- case 0: __sendButton("left", state); break;
- case 2: __sendButton("right", state); break;
- }
- };
- var __touchMoveHandler = function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- if (event.touches[0].target && event.touches[0].target.getBoundingClientRect) {
- var rect = event.touches[0].target.getBoundingClientRect();
- __current_pos = {
- x: Math.round(event.touches[0].clientX - rect.left),
- y: Math.round(event.touches[0].clientY -,
- };
- __sendMove();
- }
- };
- var __moveHandler = function(event) {
- var rect =;
- __current_pos = {
- x: Math.round(event.clientX - rect.left),
- y: Math.round(event.clientY -,
- };
- };
- var __sendButton = function(button, state) {
- tools.debug("Mouse button", (state ? "pressed:" : "released:"), button);
- __sendMove();
- if (__ws) {
- __ws.send(JSON.stringify({
- event_type: "mouse_button",
- button: button,
- state: state,
- }));
- }
- };
- var __sendMove = function() {
- var pos = __current_pos;
- if (pos.x !== __sent_pos.x || pos.y !== __sent_pos.y) {
- var el_stream_image = $("stream-image");
- var to = {
- x: __translate(pos.x, 0, el_stream_image.clientWidth, -32768, 32767),
- y: __translate(pos.y, 0, el_stream_image.clientHeight, -32768, 32767),
- };
- tools.debug("Mouse move:", to);
- if (__ws) {
- __ws.send(JSON.stringify({
- event_type: "mouse_move",
- to: to,
- }));
- }
- __sent_pos = pos;
- }
- };
- var __translate = function(x, a, b, c, d) {
- return Math.round((x - a) / (b - a) * (d - c) + c);
- };
- var __wheelHandler = function(event) {
- //
- if (event.preventDefault) {
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- var delta = {x: event.deltaX, y: event.deltaY};
- tools.debug("Mouse wheel:", delta);
- if (__ws) {
- __ws.send(JSON.stringify({
- event_type: "mouse_wheel",
- delta: delta,
- }));
- }
- };
- __init__();
diff --git a/kvmd/web/js/msd.js b/kvmd/web/js/msd.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f90e4b05..00000000
--- a/kvmd/web/js/msd.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-function Msd() {
- var self = this;
- /********************************************************************************/
- var __state = null;
- var __upload_http = null;
- var __image_file = null;
- var __init__ = function() {
- $("msd-led").title = "Unknown state";
- $("msd-select-new-image-file").onchange = __selectNewImageFile;
- tools.setOnClick($("msd-select-new-image-button"), () => $("msd-select-new-image-file").click());
- tools.setOnClick($("msd-upload-new-image-button"), __clickUploadNewImageButton);
- tools.setOnClick($("msd-abort-uploading-button"), __clickAbortUploadingButton);
- tools.setOnClick($("msd-switch-to-kvm-button"), () => __clickSwitchButton("kvm"));
- tools.setOnClick($("msd-switch-to-server-button"), () => __clickSwitchButton("server"));
- };
- /********************************************************************************/
- self.loadInitialState = function() {
- var http = tools.makeRequest("GET", "/kvmd/msd", function() {
- if (http.readyState === 4) {
- if (http.status === 200) {
- self.setState(JSON.parse(http.responseText).result);
- } else {
- setTimeout(self.loadInitialState, 1000);
- }
- }
- });
- };
- self.setState = function(state) {
- __state = state;
- __applyState();
- };
- var __clickUploadNewImageButton = function() {
- var form_data = new FormData();
- form_data.append("image_name",;
- form_data.append("image_data", __image_file);
- __upload_http = new XMLHttpRequest();
-"POST", "/kvmd/msd/write", true);
- __upload_http.upload.timeout = 5000;
- __upload_http.onreadystatechange = __uploadStateChange;
- __upload_http.upload.onprogress = __uploadProgress;
- __upload_http.send(form_data);
- };
- var __clickAbortUploadingButton = function() {
- __upload_http.onreadystatechange = null;
- __upload_http.upload.onprogress = null;
- __upload_http.abort();
- __upload_http = null;
- $("msd-progress").setAttribute("data-label", "Aborted");
- $("msd-progress-value").style.width = "0%";
- };
- var __clickSwitchButton = function(to) {
- var http = tools.makeRequest("POST", "/kvmd/msd/connect?to=" + to, function() {
- if (http.readyState === 4) {
- if (http.status !== 200) {
- ui.error("Switch error:<br>", http.responseText);
- }
- }
- __applyState();
- });
- __applyState();
- $("msd-switch-to-" + to + "-button").disabled = true;
- };
- var __selectNewImageFile = function() {
- var el_input = $("msd-select-new-image-file");
- var image_file = (el_input.files.length ? el_input.files[0] : null);
- if (image_file && image_file.size > {
- ui.error("New image is too big for your Mass Storage Device.<br>Maximum:", __formatSize(;
- el_input.value = "";
- image_file = null;
- }
- __image_file = image_file;
- __applyState();
- };
- var __applyState = function() {
- if (__state.connected_to === "server") {
- $("msd-another-another-user-uploads").style.display = "none";
- $("msd-led").className = "led-on";
- $("msd-status").innerHTML = $("msd-led").title = "Connected to Server";
- $("msd-another-another-user-uploads").style.display = "none";
- } else if (__state.busy) {
- if (!__upload_http) {
- $("msd-another-another-user-uploads").style.display = "block";
- }
- $("msd-led").className = "led-msd-writing";
- $("msd-status").innerHTML = $("msd-led").title = "Uploading new image";
- } else {
- $("msd-another-another-user-uploads").style.display = "none";
- $("msd-led").className = "led-off";
- if (__state.in_operate) {
- $("msd-status").innerHTML = $("msd-led").title = "Connected to KVM";
- } else {
- $("msd-status").innerHTML = $("msd-led").title = "Unavailable";
- }
- }
- $("msd-not-in-operate").style.display = (__state.in_operate ? "none" : "block");
- $("msd-current-image-broken").style.display = (
- __state.in_operate && &&
- ! && !__state.busy ? "block" : "none"
- );
- $("msd-current-image-name").innerHTML = (__state.in_operate && ? : "None");
- $("msd-current-image-size").innerHTML = (__state.in_operate && ? __formatSize( : "None");
- $("msd-storage-size").innerHTML = (__state.in_operate ? __formatSize( : "Unavailable");
- $("msd-switch-to-kvm-button").disabled = (!__state.in_operate || __state.connected_to === "kvm" || __state.busy);
- $("msd-switch-to-server-button").disabled = (!__state.in_operate || __state.connected_to === "server" || __state.busy);
- $("msd-select-new-image-button").disabled = (!__state.in_operate || __state.connected_to !== "kvm" || __state.busy || __upload_http);
- $("msd-upload-new-image-button").disabled = (!__state.in_operate || __state.connected_to !== "kvm" || __state.busy || !__image_file);
- $("msd-abort-uploading-button").disabled = (!__state.in_operate || !__upload_http);
- $("msd-new-image").style.display = (__image_file ? "block" : "none");
- $("msd-progress").setAttribute("data-label", "Waiting for upload ...");
- $("msd-progress-value").style.width = "0%";
- $("msd-new-image-name").innerHTML = (__image_file ? : "");
- $("msd-new-image-size").innerHTML = (__image_file ? __formatSize(__image_file.size) : "");
- };
- var __formatSize = function(size) {
- if (size > 0) {
- var index = Math.floor( Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024) );
- return (size / Math.pow(1024, index)).toFixed(2) * 1 + " " + ["B", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB"][index];
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- };
- var __uploadStateChange = function() {
- if (__upload_http.readyState === 4) {
- if (__upload_http.status !== 200) {
- ui.error("Can't upload image to the Mass Storage Device:<br>", __upload_http.responseText);
- }
- $("msd-select-new-image-file").value = "";
- __image_file = null;
- __upload_http = null;
- __applyState();
- }
- };
- var __uploadProgress = function(event) {
- if(event.lengthComputable) {
- var percent = Math.round((event.loaded * 100) /;
- $("msd-progress").setAttribute("data-label", percent + "%");
- $("msd-progress-value").style.width = percent + "%";
- }
- };
- __init__();
diff --git a/kvmd/web/js/session.js b/kvmd/web/js/session.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3169c8c1..00000000
--- a/kvmd/web/js/session.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-function Session(atx, hid, msd) {
- // var self = this;
- /********************************************************************************/
- var __ws = null;
- var __ping_timer = null;
- var __missed_heartbeats = 0;
- var __init__ = function() {
- $("link-led").title = "Not connected yet...";
- __loadKvmdVersion();
- __startPoller();
- };
- /********************************************************************************/
- var __loadKvmdVersion = function() {
- var http = tools.makeRequest("GET", "/kvmd/info", function() {
- if (http.readyState === 4) {
- if (http.status === 200) {
- var version = JSON.parse(http.responseText).result.version;
- $("kvmd-version").innerHTML = "kvmd " + version.kvmd;
- $("about-version-kvmd").innerHTML = version.kvmd;
- $("about-version-python").innerHTML = version.python;
- $("about-version-platform").innerHTML = version.platform;
- } else {
- setTimeout(__loadKvmdVersion, 1000);
- }
- }
- });
- };
- var __startPoller = function() {
- $("link-led").className = "led-link-connecting";
- $("link-led").title = "Connecting...";
- var http = tools.makeRequest("GET", "/wsauth", function() {
- if (http.readyState === 4) {
- if (http.status === 200) {
- __ws = new WebSocket((location.protocol == "https:" ? "wss" : "ws") + "://" + + "/kvmd/ws");
- __ws.onopen = __wsOpenHandler;
- __ws.onmessage = __wsMessageHandler;
- __ws.onerror = __wsErrorHandler;
- __ws.onclose = __wsCloseHandler;
- } else {
- __wsCloseHandler(null);
- }
- }
- });
- };
- var __wsOpenHandler = function(event) {
- $("link-led").className = "led-on";
- $("link-led").title = "Connected";
- tools.debug("WebSocket opened:", event);
- atx.loadInitialState();
- msd.loadInitialState();
- hid.setSocket(__ws);
- __missed_heartbeats = 0;
- __ping_timer = setInterval(__pingServer, 1000);
- };
- var __wsMessageHandler = function(event) {
- // tools.debug("WebSocket: received data:",;
- event = JSON.parse(;
- if (event.msg_type === "pong") {
- __missed_heartbeats = 0;
- } else if (event.msg_type === "event") {
- if (event.msg.event === "atx_state") {
- atx.setState(event.msg.event_attrs);
- } else if (event.msg.event === "msd_state") {
- msd.setState(event.msg.event_attrs);
- }
- }
- };
- var __wsErrorHandler = function(event) {
- tools.error("WebSocket error:", event);
- if (__ws) {
- __ws.onclose = null;
- __ws.close();
- __wsCloseHandler(null);
- }
- };
- var __wsCloseHandler = function(event) {
- $("link-led").className = "led-off";
- tools.debug("WebSocket closed:", event);
- if (__ping_timer) {
- clearInterval(__ping_timer);
- __ping_timer = null;
- }
- hid.setSocket(null);
- atx.clearState();
- __ws = null;
- setTimeout(function() {
- $("link-led").className = "led-link-connecting";
- setTimeout(__startPoller, 500);
- }, 500);
- };
- var __pingServer = function() {
- try {
- __missed_heartbeats += 1;
- if (__missed_heartbeats >= 5) {
- throw new Error("Too many missed heartbeats");
- }
- __ws.send(JSON.stringify({"event_type": "ping"}));
- } catch (err) {
- tools.error("Ping error:", err.message);
- if (__ws) {
- __ws.onclose = null;
- __ws.close();
- __wsCloseHandler(null);
- }
- }
- };
- __init__();
diff --git a/kvmd/web/js/stream.js b/kvmd/web/js/stream.js
deleted file mode 100644
index af3e45e9..00000000
--- a/kvmd/web/js/stream.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-function Stream() {
- // var self = this;
- /********************************************************************************/
- var __prev_state = false;
- var __quality = 80;
- var __normal_size = {width: 640, height: 480};
- var __size_factor = 1;
- var __init__ = function() {
- $("stream-led").title = "Stream inactive";
- var quality = 10;
- for (; quality <= 100; quality += 10) {
- $("stream-quality-select").innerHTML += "<option value=\"" + quality + "\">" + quality + "%</option>";
- }
- tools.setOnClick($("stream-reset-button"), __clickResetButton);
- $("stream-quality-select").onchange = __changeQuality;
- $("stream-size-slider").oninput = __resize;
- $("stream-size-slider").onchange = __resize;
- __startPoller();
- };
- /********************************************************************************/
- // XXX: In current implementation we don't need this event because Stream() has own state poller
- var __startPoller = function() {
- var http = tools.makeRequest("GET", "/streamer/ping", function() {
- if (http.readyState === 4) {
- var response = (http.status === 200 ? JSON.parse(http.responseText) : null);
- if (http.status !== 200 || ! {
-"Refreshing stream ...");
- __prev_state = false;
- $("stream-image").className = "stream-image-inactive";
- $("stream-box").classList.add("stream-box-inactive");
- $("stream-led").className = "led-off";
- $("stream-led").title = "Stream inactive";
- $("stream-reset-button").disabled = true;
- $("stream-quality-select").disabled = true;
- } else if (http.status === 200 && !__prev_state) {
- __normal_size =;
- __refreshImage();
- __prev_state = true;
- $("stream-image").className = "stream-image-active";
- $("stream-box").classList.remove("stream-box-inactive");
- $("stream-led").className = "led-on";
- $("stream-led").title = "Stream is active";
- $("stream-reset-button").disabled = false;
- $("stream-quality-select").disabled = false;
- }
- }
- });
- setTimeout(__startPoller, 1500);
- };
- var __clickResetButton = function() {
- $("stream-reset-button").disabled = true;
- var http = tools.makeRequest("POST", "/kvmd/streamer/reset", function() {
- if (http.readyState === 4) {
- if (http.status !== 200) {
- ui.error("Can't reset stream:<br>", http.responseText);
- }
- }
- });
- };
- var __changeQuality = function() {
- var quality = parseInt($("stream-quality-select").value);
- if (__quality != quality) {
- $("stream-quality-select").disabled = true;
- var http = tools.makeRequest("POST", "/kvmd/streamer/set_params?quality=" + quality, function() {
- if (http.readyState === 4) {
- if (http.status !== 200) {
- ui.error("Can't configure stream:<br>", http.responseText);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- };
- var __resize = function() {
- var percent = $("stream-size-slider").value;
- $("stream-size-value").innerHTML = percent + "%";
- __size_factor = percent / 100;
- __applySizeFactor();
- };
- var __applySizeFactor = function() {
- var el_stream_image = $("stream-image");
- = __normal_size.width * __size_factor + "px";
- = __normal_size.height * __size_factor + "px";
- ui.showWindow($("stream-window"), false);
- };
- var __refreshImage = function() {
- var http = tools.makeRequest("GET", "/kvmd/streamer", function() {
- if (http.readyState === 4 && http.status === 200) {
- var result = JSON.parse(http.responseText).result;
- if (__quality != result.quality) {
-"Quality changed:", result.quality);
- document.querySelector("#stream-quality-select [value=\"" + result.quality + "\"]").selected = true;
- __quality = result.quality;
- }
- __applySizeFactor();
- $("stream-image").src = "/streamer/stream?t=" + new Date().getTime();
- }
- });
- };
- __init__();
diff --git a/kvmd/web/js/tools.js b/kvmd/web/js/tools.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 76f27b7d..00000000
--- a/kvmd/web/js/tools.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-var tools = new function() {
- var __debug = (new URL(window.location.href)).searchParams.get("debug");
- this.makeRequest = function(method, url, callback, timeout=null) {
- var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
-, url, true);
- http.onreadystatechange = callback;
- http.timeout = (timeout ? timeout : 5000);
- http.send();
- return http;
- };
- this.setOnClick = function(el, callback) {
- el.onclick = el.ontouchend = function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- callback();
- };
- };
- this.setOnDown = function(el, callback) {
- el.onmousedown = el.ontouchstart = function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- callback();
- };
- };
- this.setOnUp = function(el, callback) {
- el.onmouseup = el.ontouchend = function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- callback();
- };
- };
- this.debug = function(...args) {
- if (__debug) {
- console.log("LOG/DEBUG", ...args); // eslint-disable-line no-console
- }
- };
- = (...args) => console.log("LOG/INFO", ...args); // eslint-disable-line no-console
- this.error = (...args) => console.error("LOG/ERROR", ...args); // eslint-disable-line no-console
-var $ = (id) => document.getElementById(id);
-var $$ = (cls) => document.getElementsByClassName(cls);
diff --git a/kvmd/web/js/ui.js b/kvmd/web/js/ui.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d04184c1..00000000
--- a/kvmd/web/js/ui.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-function Ui() {
- var self = this;
- /********************************************************************************/
- var __top_z_index = 0;
- var __windows = [];
- var __ctl_items = [];
- var __init__ = function() {
-"button"), function(el_button) {
- // XXX: Workaround for iOS Safari:
- //
- el_button.ontouchstart = function() {};
- });
-$$("ctl-item"), function(el_item) {
- tools.setOnClick(el_item, () => __toggleMenu(el_item));
- __ctl_items.push(el_item);
- });
-$$("window"), function(el_window) {
- __makeWindowMovable(el_window);
- __windows.push(el_window);
- var el_button = el_window.querySelector(".window-header .window-button-close");
- if (el_button) {
- tools.setOnClick(el_button, function() {
- = "hidden";
- __raiseLastWindow();
- });
- }
- });
- window.onmouseup = __globalMouseButtonHandler;
- window.ontouchend = __globalMouseButtonHandler;
- window.addEventListener("resize", () => __organizeWindowsOnResize(false));
- window.addEventListener("orientationchange", () => __organizeWindowsOnResize(true));
- tools.setOnClick($("show-about-button"), () => self.showWindow($("about-window")));
- tools.setOnClick($("show-keyboard-button"), () => self.showWindow($("keyboard-window")));
- tools.setOnClick($("show-stream-button"), () => self.showWindow($("stream-window")));
- self.showWindow($("stream-window"));
- };
- /********************************************************************************/
- self.error = (...args) => __modalDialog("Error", args.join(" "), true, false);
- self.confirm = (...args) => __modalDialog("Question", args.join(" "), true, true);
- var __modalDialog = function(header, text, ok, cancel) {
- var el_modal = document.createElement("div");
- el_modal.className = "modal";
- = "visible";
- var el_window = document.createElement("div");
- el_window.className = "modal-window";
- el_window.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
- el_modal.appendChild(el_window);
- var el_header = document.createElement("div");
- el_header.className = "modal-header";
- el_header.innerHTML = header;
- el_window.appendChild(el_header);
- var el_content = document.createElement("div");
- el_content.className = "modal-content";
- el_content.innerHTML = text;
- el_window.appendChild(el_content);
- var promise = null;
- if (ok || cancel) {
- promise = new Promise(function(resolve) {
- var el_buttons = document.createElement("div");
- el_buttons.className = "modal-buttons";
- el_window.appendChild(el_buttons);
- function close (retval) {
- el_modal.outerHTML = "";
- var index = __windows.indexOf(el_modal);
- if (index !== -1) {
- __windows.splice(index, 1);
- }
- __raiseLastWindow();
- resolve(retval);
- }
- if (cancel) {
- var el_cancel_button = document.createElement("button");
- el_cancel_button.innerHTML = "Cancel";
- tools.setOnClick(el_cancel_button, () => close(false));
- el_buttons.appendChild(el_cancel_button);
- }
- if (ok) {
- var el_ok_button = document.createElement("button");
- el_ok_button.innerHTML = "OK";
- tools.setOnClick(el_ok_button, () => close(true));
- el_buttons.appendChild(el_ok_button);
- }
- if (ok && cancel) {
- el_ok_button.className = "row50";
- el_cancel_button.className = "row50";
- }
- el_window.onkeyup = function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- if (ok && event.code === "Enter") {
- } else if (cancel && event.code === "Escape") {
- }
- };
- });
- }
- __windows.push(el_modal);
- document.body.appendChild(el_modal);
- __raiseWindow(el_modal);
- return promise;
- };
- self.showWindow = function(el_window, raise=true) {
- if (!__isWindowOnPage(el_window) || el_window.hasAttribute("data-centered")) {
- var view = __getViewGeometry();
- var rect = el_window.getBoundingClientRect();
- = Math.max($("ctl").clientHeight, Math.round((view.bottom - rect.height) / 2)) + "px";
- = Math.round((view.right - rect.width) / 2) + "px";
- el_window.setAttribute("data-centered", "");
- }
- = "visible";
- if (raise) {
- __raiseWindow(el_window);
- }
- };
- var __isWindowOnPage = function(el_window) {
- var view = __getViewGeometry();
- var rect = el_window.getBoundingClientRect();
- return (
- (rect.bottom - el_window.clientHeight / 1.5) <= view.bottom
- && >=
- && (rect.left + el_window.clientWidth / 1.5) >= view.left
- && (rect.right - el_window.clientWidth / 1.5) <= view.right
- );
- };
- var __getViewGeometry = function() {
- return {
- top: $("ctl").clientHeight,
- bottom: Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0),
- left: 0,
- right: Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0),
- };
- };
- var __toggleMenu = function(el_a) {
- var all_hidden = true;
- __ctl_items.forEach(function(el_item) {
- var el_menu = el_item.parentElement.querySelector(".ctl-dropdown-content");
- if (el_item === el_a && window.getComputedStyle(el_menu, null).visibility === "hidden") {
- el_item.focus();
- el_item.classList.add("ctl-item-selected");
- = "visible";
- all_hidden &= false;
- } else {
- el_item.classList.remove("ctl-item-selected");
- = "hidden";
- }
- });
- if (all_hidden) {
- document.onkeyup = null;
- __raiseLastWindow();
- } else {
- document.onkeyup = function(event) {
- if (event.code === "Escape") {
- event.preventDefault();
- __closeAllMenues();
- __raiseLastWindow();
- }
- };
- }
- };
- var __closeAllMenues = function() {
- document.onkeyup = null;
- __ctl_items.forEach(function(el_item) {
- var el_menu = el_item.parentElement.querySelector(".ctl-dropdown-content");
- el_item.classList.remove("ctl-item-selected");
- = "hidden";
- });
- };
- var __globalMouseButtonHandler = function(event) {
- if (!".ctl-item")) {
- for (var el_item =; el_item && el_item !== document; el_item = el_item.parentNode) {
- if (el_item.hasAttribute("data-force-hide-menu")) {
- break;
- } else if (el_item.hasAttribute("data-dont-hide-menu")) {
- return;
- }
- }
- __closeAllMenues();
- __raiseLastWindow();
- }
- };
- var __organizeWindowsOnResize = function(orientation) {
- var view = __getViewGeometry();
-$$("window"), function(el_window) {
- if ( === "visible" && (orientation || el_window.hasAttribute("data-centered"))) {
- var rect = el_window.getBoundingClientRect();
- = Math.max($("ctl").clientHeight, Math.round((view.bottom - rect.height) / 2)) + "px";
- = Math.round((view.right - rect.width) / 2) + "px";
- el_window.setAttribute("data-centered", "");
- }
- });
- };
- var __makeWindowMovable = function(el_window) {
- var el_header = el_window.querySelector(".window-header");
- var el_grab = el_window.querySelector(".window-header .window-grab");
- var prev_pos = {x: 0, y: 0};
- function startMoving(event) {
- __closeAllMenues();
- __raiseWindow(el_window);
- event = (event || window.event);
- event.preventDefault();
- if (!event.touches || event.touches.length === 1) {
- el_header.classList.add("window-header-grabbed");
- prev_pos = getEventPosition(event);
- document.onmousemove = doMoving;
- document.onmouseup = stopMoving;
- document.ontouchmove = doMoving;
- document.ontouchend = stopMoving;
- }
- }
- function doMoving(event) {
- el_window.removeAttribute("data-centered");
- event = (event || window.event);
- event.preventDefault();
- var event_pos = getEventPosition(event);
- var x = prev_pos.x - event_pos.x;
- var y = prev_pos.y - event_pos.y;
- = (el_window.offsetTop - y) + "px";
- = (el_window.offsetLeft - x) + "px";
- prev_pos = event_pos;
- }
- function stopMoving() {
- el_header.classList.remove("window-header-grabbed");
- document.onmousemove = null;
- document.onmouseup = null;
- document.ontouchmove = null;
- document.ontouchend = null;
- }
- function getEventPosition(event) {
- if (event.touches) {
- return {x: event.touches[0].clientX, y: event.touches[0].clientY};
- } else {
- return {x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY};
- }
- }
- el_window.setAttribute("data-centered", "");
- tools.setOnClick(el_window, () => __raiseWindow(el_window));
- el_grab.onmousedown = startMoving;
- el_grab.ontouchstart = startMoving;
- };
- var __raiseLastWindow = function() {
- var last_el_window = null;
- var max_z_index = 0;
- __windows.forEach(function(el_window) {
- var z_index = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(el_window, null).zIndex) || 0;
- if (max_z_index < z_index && window.getComputedStyle(el_window, null).visibility !== "hidden") {
- last_el_window = el_window;
- max_z_index = z_index;
- }
- });
- __raiseWindow(last_el_window);
- };
- var __raiseWindow = function(el_window) {
- var el_to_focus = (el_window.className === "modal" ? el_window.querySelector(".modal-window") : el_window);
- if (document.activeElement !== el_to_focus) {
- el_to_focus.focus();
- tools.debug("Focused window:", el_window);
- if (el_window.className !== "modal" && parseInt( !== __top_z_index) {
- var z_index = __top_z_index + 1;
- = z_index;
- __top_z_index = z_index;
- tools.debug("Raised window:", el_window);
- }
- }
- };
- __init__();